From December 22, 2013

I had this dream during the evening of December 11, 2013 and penned the details in my notebook on the morning of December 12, 2013. I even thought it revelatory in that it was 12/12 where twelve denotes governmental perfection, kingdom, dominion.

I had both a dream and a vision that day. 

The Father began revealing some very interesting revelations concerning this dream and even more this past Friday, December 20, 2013 and I've been instructed to share them today, Sunday, December 22, 2013.

Please let me state that I am open to additional input, this is not a perfect portrait, but one that I think lends insight and will bring clarity and confirmation to those who seek it.

Also, if you want a .pdf version of this dream, please send me a message or email me.


I had a dream that I was looking at a backyard. It looked like the backyard at my dad's house, where I grew up. The view was as if my back was to the house and I was looking out over the yard. My dad's house is a two-family house with a basement and attic, just to help with the visual set up.

In the far left corner of the yard, there were what appeared to be flowers that looked as though they were opening and closing. They, at first, put me in the mind of lilies and in the dream I called them lilies. They were white and yellow in color.

Upon closer observation, I looked again and saw that they were actually ducks, white and yellow ducks and with the way they were moving in that corner, they created formations that looked like flowers blooming, but opening and closing at the same time.

Then I looked around and I saw geese. Now the geese were positioned where the back of the house would be. They looked as if they were in a bed of dirt or something, but they were behaving oddly. They were in this dirt bed with their heads toward the dirt. All I remembered seeing were their back parts, not the front, almost as if they were there, but not in play. They were apart from what was going on in the far left corner.

I ran in the house and ran upstairs into my father's bedroom. My dad lives on the top floor of the house. I woke him up to look out of his window and see the lily/ducks. He stirred and looked out of the window and saw them, but he turned over and went back to sleep. I remembered also showing them to my cousin who actually used to live downstairs from my dad on the first floor of the house. I think I woke her up as well.

(Interestingly, they were both asleep.)

So again, I'm back in the yard looking around and now I see the lily/ducks still over in the far left corner, but I also see geese and rabbits. There were a bunch of them in the yard, all mixed in together. Although the ducks were still in the corner, they were also mixed in with the geese and the rabbits. They weren't doing anything in particular. In the dream, they just seemed to be waiting for something and even in the dream I did not understand.


When I woke up I heard, “The silence is before Me.” Immediately, I thought of the silence in heaven with the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8:1 “And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.”

I also immediately remembered that in a word a few months prior (October 4, 2013), the Lord spoke, “The seventh seal is upon you,” and asked me but what comes before. Also In my notes I wrote that I think the seventh seal begins the Day of the Lord.

Later the same day, while I was out and about running errands, I heard, “Creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God,” and I knew it was in relation to the dream.


Later that afternoon, while in prayer, here is what the Spirit of the Lord spoke, “Deneen, the dream speaks of where we are at this moment. Yes, creation groans and is waiting for My sons to manifest in the earth to recapture dominion and bring all things into subjection to My words. They await, you and those like you, My child. The seventh seal is upon you, very, very soon, Beloved.

It's time to get in position because the events will delay no longer. I am finishing the work I've begun in My chosen, yes, even in you. Keep your eyes focused above. You are already above and not beneath. The earth shall be your footstool as well. It will be under My subjection and My heavenly ones shall be as I am. My image comes forth now. No longer of the earthy but of the heavenly. We move now with no delay.

Press in and you will be beyond it all very, very, very soon. Sooner than you think. I said that I am with you til the end. The end is begun. It is come. The time is at hand for every promise to be fulfilled. My firstfruits prepare for I come now to receive you. Harvest is upon us before the crops are ruined. Stand fast now, My child, your place in Me, prepared, as you are. I am coming now; oh so very soon. You shall surely see Me, they who shall ascend. Blow the trumpet in Zion for the King of kings approaches!"

Your Beloved Bridegroom.


So I searched the obvious scriptures first.

Revelation 8:1-6

1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

Let's examine the first verse, but please read and study the other verses, because they paint a picture of what is going on in the throne room, with the seven angels who await instructions from the Lord, who are given the trumpets to sound and release the judgments.

Also the image of the angel who offered up incense upon the golden altar with the golden censer, denoting prayers of intercession and atonement offered with the prayers of the saints. We also see the censer filled with the fire of the altar and the coals of the altar being cast down into the earth. This is connected with wrath and judgment, which I believe ties in with scene in Ezekiel 10 — Burning Coals Scattered Over Jerusalem. Other scripture references: Lev 16:12, 1Kings 19:11, Rev. 16:18

Revelation 8:1

"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour."

The silence in heaven... What I can ascertain is that it's a pause of some sort, maybe even a time for repentance before judgment pours out. Please look at the scriptures below. They seem to point to a time right before judgment is rendered, and maybe even the time of transformation (the firstfruits/144,000) after the sixth seal but before the events of the seventh.

In Greek, Silence (Strongs G4602: sige): silence

Lexicon: to command silence by making the sound.

In Hebrew, Silence (Strongs H2013: hacah) hush, keep silence, be silent, hold peace, hold tongue, still, to command to be silent.

Some scriptures that I looked into...

Habakkuk 2:20

“But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him.”

Zephaniah 1:7

“Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.”

Zechariah 2:13

“Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.”

Romans 8:19-23

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Romans 8:19

For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”


(G602: apokalypsis) laying bare, making naked, a disclosure of truth, instruction, concerning things before unknown, used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all; manifestation, appearance


Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God.”

In order to walk according to the Spirit, the deeds of the flesh must be crucified, put to death.

We see in the verses provided a deliverance from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty. This speaks of being made free from the bondage of sin, the hinderances of the flesh, from the dominion of corrupt desires, a deep healing work of the soul. 

But verse 23 is key, “Not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body.”

firstfruits of the Spirit: (G536: aparche) the 144,000, persons superior in excellence to others of the same class, firstlings, firstfruits, distinguished from the great multitude who will receive the Holy Spirit subsequently.
waiting for adoption: (G526: huiothesia) the consummation
LEXICON: the consummate condition of the sons of God which will render it evident that they are the sons of God
to wit the redemption (G629: apolytrosis) a revealing effected by payment of, ransom, redemption, deliverance, liberation procured by payment of ransom

LEXICON: the last day, when consummate liberation is experienced from the sin still lingering even in the regenerates and from all the ills and troubles of this life.


Now that we have some ground work laid in the scriptures, let's look at some of the dream symbols. In the dream we have lilies, ducks, geese and rabbits.

The Lillies 

There was a lot of interesting information regarding lilies. I'm going to provide enough to give you a sense of what is being portrayed in the dream.

lily H7799 (shuwshan) probably any lily-like flower. It is also the name of the location of the palace in the book of Esther, a recommended read for insight on the bride.

LEXICON: what is white from the root, work or ornament resembling lilies (see the temple pillars)

Please note the Strongs number for lily: H7799 has double sevens and double nines.

Seven (7) is the number of completeness, spiritual, perfection

Phillipians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

Nine (9) carries the themes of the fruit of the spirit, divine completeness from the Lord and judgment

Being a double seven and a double nine, these meanings are intensified and we see within these numbers that the lily represents the coming into Spiritual Perfection through Judgment. (returning-home.net)

When you total them together you get the number thirty (30) which means Dedication, Maturity, Blood of Christ

  • White lilies represent chastity, virtue, purity, majesty
  • Yellow lilies mean walking on air

NOTE: remember the lilies were white and yellow.

Lilies are also a popular flower at funerals and burials and carry a symbol of death

Lily of the Valley: return to happiness, humility, made my life complete

(returning-home.net) breaks down the Hebrew spelling of Lily and arrives at “by our human labour, our carnal flesh is consumed and assimilated that the true life within will be brought forth.”

NOTE: So we see themes of death to self, leaving the earthy (death) to live in the heavenlies (walking on air), by way of death to the flesh so we can attain life in the spirit.

On the cross, Yeshua, at the point of death said, “Father into thy hands I commend My spirit.” Luke 23:46

Like Yeshua, in order to have life in Him we must follow Him...

The scripture says in Matthew 16:24

If any man will come after me,

(If is a conditional statement; requires a decision)

Let him deny himself,

(Say no to self and yes to Yeshua)

Take up your cross,

(pick up the burden of your flesh and carnality)

and follow Me.

(Do as He did, crucify it, that we may offer up an acceptable sacrifice (Rom 12:1) unto the Lord (Spirit). It is written, they that worship Him, MUST worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH) John 4:24.

Main point: Lilies hold a theme of self-denial, death to self and works of the flesh and carnality

The Ducks (bird)

Ducks weren't in the bible, so I searched to see what they symbolize and as always Abba never ceases to amaze me. Ducks are generally thought to be a symbol of “FREEDOM.” They can walk on the earth, swim in the sea and soar in the air. Many cultures believe that they are a symbol of “eternal life.”

Ducks (female) and drakes (male) are a symbol of happiness and beauty.

Main point: Ducks symbolize freedom and eternal life.

Bear with me, I will tie it all in in a moment.

The Geese (bird)

Again, no direct biblical reference so I researched them on the internet and found the following: the goose never leaves one of its own kind behind. Like the marines “semper Fidelis” (always faithful) is the motto of the goose. The goose displays “valor.” Symbolic attributes include, bravery, loyalty, teamwork, confidence, protection, fellowship, communication, determination. Geese mate for life in order to have help raising offspring and protecting the nest.

Main point: Geese hold a theme of faithfulness, teamwork, marriage, two working together

I also see a theme of discipleship and seeking the lost, as they leave no one of their own kind behind. Reminds me of the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4, “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”

Hold on, we're almost there!

The Rabbits

I know that rabbits are considered unclean in the book of Leviticus, but here in the dream they represent something a bit different. The meaning of rabbits deal primarily with abundance, comfort and vulnerability. Traditionally, they are associated with fertility, desire and procreation. The rabbit is a perfect symbol for spring that is fertile with themes like new life, new beginnings, undeniable current of growth.

Please note: By no means am I implying or suggesting the paganism involved around fertility, eggs and rabbits. It's a symbol Yahweh used to provide a piece to the puzzle of this dream. What I gather from it, is be fruitful and multiply. The command He gave to Adam in the garden.


Now, let's tie it together. I know it seems a bit round about, but this is the course I had to take to get revelation of what He was saying, and trust me, what I included does not exhaust the whole process, but gives enough to support the findings.

I believe that we are either in the midst of the silence in heaven or it is right upon us as is the seventh seal. During this silence, I believe this is the snapshot of what is taking place. [NOT ENTIRELY SURE]


The lilies and the ducks were seen first in the dream. The first part of the process is the dying to self and being resurrected as the new man, new creation (2Cor 5:17). 

I think the reason the ducks and the lilies were intertwined is because so is that process, with the lilies first, followed by the ducks; death then the resurrection by the power of the Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Christ from the dead. (Romans 8:11)

If you look at 2 Cor 3:17, it states, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (freedom)." So as with the sons of God, who walk by the Spirit they have obtained freedom from the hindrances of the flesh which have now been put to death and have obtained freedom when the adoption (consummation) occurs. We will resurrect unto eternal life, life in the Spirit, no longer in the flesh. (Daniel 12:2) 

The ducks can walk the earth, swim in the water of the sea (multitude) and soar in the air. Catch the revelation! Christ was able to access heaven and earth while he moved amongst the multitudes. We, when we are resurrected in our new state of incorruption, we too shall be like Him in the earth.

I saw the geese, but didn't really understand why they were there. Their faces were not revealed, which I believe means just that. That part of the process cannot occur or was not yet revealed until the lily and duck transformation is completed.


Then I ran inside to awake others, my dad and my cousin, family members and they were asleep, as is most of mankind ; even the family of God is asleep and unaware of what is taking place.


Then I see the marriage, where the consummation happens. Where the soul and spirit are brought together as one. Now Adam (man; not gender-specific, for he made them male and female, symbolic of the components of man — spirit and soul, housed in a body, our temples) is no longer segmented, but made whole, born again! Now we will remain faithful to our bridegroom, Yeshua, and actually become one with Him, consumed by Him, forever!

And with the geese there is also a theme of discipleship, not leaving one behind, now that the bride is ready and sent out into the fields to do the work as the end time harvesters. It is as Christ did when He walked the earth. He came to seek and save the lost.


Last but not least, the rabbits. Now that we have returned “home” to our place of origin, the heavenly image, the image and likeness we were created in, our dominion-ism, we can now fulfill the command to be fruitful and multiply, because now that have been born again, we will produce offspring of our own kind, the Christ-likeness in the earth.

Please chime in, comment or email with any thoughts or added revelation you may have. I know it's long, but there's a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and revelation here in this dream, which is probably why it took so long for it all to be revealed.

I also had a vision the same day. I hope to get it up today or tomorrow. It's not as long as the dream, but it ties in with these snapshots of what is to come.

Be blessed, Beloveds.

Your sister in Christ,

Deneen, A Woman Assigned

All bible verses are from the King James Bible, used in conjunction with Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Other sources and references are the internet, returning-home.net, blueletterbible.org, Biblical Mathematics, Keys to Scripture Numerics by Ed. F. Vallowe.


  1. Sis, when the Lord said to you, 'Blow the Trumpet in Zion for the King approaches"... it brought to mind something that I heard early this Fall. Around 2:00 am in the morning, while in bed, I was awaken to what sounded like an interdimensional trumpet or shofar sounding off several times from the distance. (it wasn't right near our homes, but coming from a distance) Noone else heard it, but the dogs outside did and wouldn't stop barking..lol

    I didn't know what to make of it, but then researching it on YouTube, I heard the similar sound on other people's videos from different parts of the World- and they said it was the Shofar blowing. After I heard this sound, I went back to sleep, but then woke back up again around 6:00 am to hear someone say really firmly to me, "Be Prepared!"

    We are in the timeframe of the End times and the Angels are being sent by the Lord to blow the shofars. I heard them in spirit back in 2012,-which was my first wake-up call. I am so thankful that He has waken many of us up from slumber now and all that He permits now is to prepare us, chisel and buff us to make us shine- and to be His Sign to others.

    Even the animals will be blessed- because right now , they suffer tremendously from the humankind who is not in alignment with our God.
    love, lisa

  2. Lisa, He's so merciful to awaken us, warn us, warn us, warn us, because of the love that He has for His creation. Yes, we are in the time where the travail is upon us because the most valued of His creation (us) are out of a(line)ment. The time is far spent and it's time to awaken out of our slumber. We are in the end of the end times and it all changes now. Blessings to you, Lisa!

  3. What a beautiful and uplifting dream, so full of revelation and encouragement! You interpreted it so succinctly and eloquently, brilliant message from our King! This was really edifying and I am thankful for you sharing it with us. Thank you, Father, for your generous outpouring of truth and love, praise your Holy Name forever!!

    1. Tina, nice to know your name... LOL! We are on the brink of some very exciting times in the kingdom of our Father. He gave it to me during a time of intense warfare, but when the flames died down, it brought so much clarity and great joy. Wait until you see the vision... Love to you in Jesus' name!



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