From March 21, 2014 

"My child, hear the word of the LORD this day. 

Tell My children to prepare themselves for the time of visitation is at hand. I have heard the prayers of My people, their cries and their pleas. The time of great deliverance is at hand. The word of the LORD shall manifest, it shall become flesh, tangible for all to see.

Man's wickedness is ever before Me as a horrible stench in My nostrils. I shall purge sin from the face of the earth as My kingdom comes — unfolds. I will deal with man's utter rebellion against God, against My laws. It is time, the time of reckoning. I have spoken it before, as you recall. There is only safety in Me, REPENT, I say for the kingdom of God is truly at hand. 

Be not deceived, for it will cost you more than you know. The decisions today will impact eternally. Choose, choose this day, but choose wisely whom you will serve. The god of this world cannot save, but can surely usher you into utter condemnation and cause your soul to perish For I, Christ, your Messiah am the only security in this life and the one to come — eternity.  It was My blood that was shed for all of mankind, humanity and it shall no longer be trampled under the feet of those who walk in blatant contrast to My words, My commands, who honor not My judgments, who oppress My people with their fleshly ways.

I AM COME — and I shall remove ALL, EVERY stone that is not erected, built according to the pattern set within Myself. I AM the Cornerstone, and rejection of Me as the TRUE and SURE Foundation shall yield grave consequence. I hear My children, My faithful beloveds, who cry out for all of the debauchery and depravity they witness in the systems of this world. Those despicable things that men run to and do in My sight, as though I no longer see. My long-suffering is opportunity, not to be mistaken for My pleasure in those things. 

REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! That you might be received by Me. The door is closing and will soon be shut. What will be on the outside, none will want to witness. It's time to look upon the Son of Man and live, lest you desire to perish for the sake of earthly lusts. The things of this world — lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life, shall fall under the weight of My glory. 

This is the final call. The hour is crucial, and My prophets shall trumpet the call to return, return, return to your first love. Lay aside every weight and sin that so easily besets you, and I will aide you to overcome. 

I Am the LORD and I have seen the injustices that take place behind closed doors. Am I not an Omniscient God? Do I not know ALL things, even before they are conceived? The hearts of men wax colder and colder. Lawlessness runs rampant even amongst them who say they know Me. You know Me NOT — otherwise, you would keep My commandments, the first of ALL — I AM THE LORD THY GOD WHO BROUGHT YOU OUT OF EGYPT, OUT OF THE LAND OF BONDAGE. YOU SHALL NOT HAVE STRANGE GODS BEFORE ME. Yet you do the things of the heathen and attribute My name to them. BLASPHEMY! 

REPENT and I may still receive you, for My anger is kindled against the work of man's hands. I said to BUILD MY CHURCH, a PEOPLE set apart for My use. The kingdoms of men shall fall. It is only My kingdom that shall stand. 

Choose this day, Choose I say — life or death, blessings or curses. Many live under the curse as a result of blatant disobedience. 

REPENT, I say and obey your God. 

REPENT, I say and do the first works. 

REPENT, I say and turn away from the ways of the heathen and honor Me, worship Me in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. This IS the will of the Father concerning His children. No longer will you worship Him in your own way. 

The word of the LORD — He has spoken it from on high. Take heed for the end is nigh. I AM That I AM — and I will have a glorious house even in the few who will follow Me. 

I AM the LORD.

Judgment approaches."

After this word, I asked the Lord if He was angry, and this was His response:

"Now I must do as I regret, but without it, many more will perish. This is in love that I send this. It is My letter of admonishment to My people. It is a call to REPENT. I have spoken it, and I will do all that I intend. I am angry with My people, for they have forsaken Me. I have given them everything that pertains to godliness, holiness, righteousness, yet they love the filthy things of this world. 

Where is My justice, My judgments, My charge to keep the poor, the widow, the fatherless? Greed and selfishness I see. I can no longer tolerate it, for My beloveds cry out to Me.

I AM God. I AM the LORD."


Luke 19:44-46, Exodus 3:7, Isaiah 10:1-3, Matthew 3:2, Joshua 24:15, Proverbs 22:16, Matthew 24:2, Hebrews 10:26-31, 1Peter 2:6, Matthews 21:42-44, 1John 2:15-17, Hebrews 12:1-2, Matthew 24:12, Exodus 20:2-17, Matthew 16-18, Daniel 7:14, Deuteronomy 30:19, Revelation 2:5, John 4:23-24


  1. I just had a vision with components that match the Lord's words to you. I also could sense His anger. I was so sad for our Beloved, who gave His life to atone for OUR sins. It might behoove people to consider if they had offered up their child in the same situation. I'm sure they could then relate to His feelings more closely. We must continue to pray in earnest for them. GBY! (I AM the Alepf and the Tav)

    1. Jennifer, thank you for your confirming response. Just today the Father shared that if He not punish, then His children would openly worship idols. I know this sounds absurd to think of, yet much of what may have been viewed as such is already taking place. One of the first words the Lord spoke to me was that He takes no pleasure in what He must do. He gave us all He held precious to show us how precious we are to Him, yet we grieve Him so. If not for His mercy we would all perish. I took a look at your blog. Time permitting, i plan to have a look at what you have shared. Blessings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Yeshua!

  2. My dear sister Deneen, I was just searching for something on my phone and I stumbled upon this Word dated 3/21/14 in a note section I have. I was perplexed as I didn't recall receiving it as I read through it. I was glad to see at the end I had posted a link here. I was very surprised to see you had "reposted" it just
    days ago. May you always be a willing vessel to be used by Yahushua HaMaschiac!
    Love, Pam in La

  3. Amen to this post , am doing all I can to turn the people in my community away from their false gods , religions , and witchcraft , the fallen spirit world has so so many decieved , let alone the curses that come with serving these idols , may I just ask , was wondering where Jennifer's blog has gone ? A few of us have noticed she has just vanished from the web

    1. Hi Mark! May the Lord continue to strengthen you as you share His love with the lost. Yes many perish for lack of knowledge. Let us pray that the scales be removed and the ground of every heart be made ready to receive the glorious gospel unto salvation. Drop me your email address and I'll inbox you. Blessings... Dee

  4. Amen, Almighty God in heaven! Throughout history, mankind has ignored, denied and thrown the magnificent gift of salvation to the ground in order to lust after worthless gods who offer no life or hope. The foolishness of this choice is staggering considering what it will cost those who insist on wallowing in their sin. We cannot begin to fathom the injury and pain we've inflicted on the One who loves us most. Forgive us, Lord God, and we will spend eternity giving you thanks and worship for Your incomprehensible mercy, grace and love! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!

    1. DW, let's keep being the demonstration of what should be so that the example will be in the earth. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you according to a Numbers 6:24-26!

    2. A VERY TIMELY AND ACCURATE WARNING!!! While we all dread the coming judgments, our loving Heavenly Father will use this time of judgment not only to destroy the vile, wicked haters of our Lord Jesus, but many will be awakened within a Laodicean "professing-only" church, who otherwise would perish because of the religious deception. We are repeatedly warned this would come, but the scoffers laugh it away in a spirit of scorn. What a day of horror awaits those false shepard's who are wolves in sheep garments......

    3. Wayne, I just saw your message. I'm sure, like others awakened, that we continue to intercede for the lost, and backslidden, and pray for God''s mercy and man''s repentance for transgression against a Holy God. May Yahuah, bless you!


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