Order My Steps...

source: Creation Swap/Susan Helmuth

Hello all,

It's Terrific Tuesday! In spite of it all, God saw fit to allow us to still remain here in the land of the living! It's another day that He has made and we are commanded to rejoice and be glad in it!

This week's blog topic is "Order My Steps".

The bible states in Psalms 37:23 that "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way. "

Often I find myself seeking direction from the Lord. In my earlier stages of growth, I would seek God when I was in trouble and saw no way out. Now as I meditate on the portion of the Lord's prayer that says "Give us this day, our daily bread"... or as one of our associate minister's Rev. Chase so eloquently put it... "sustainment".

As I am now maturing in my walk, I understand how important it is to seek God's direction in ALL things, and in ALL matters.

God has revealed to me that the challenge ISN'T just in learning the Bible and possessing the ability to quote scripture(s). The REAL challenge is in the WALK, and in LIVING according to what we've learned.

As I walk purposely toward my destiny, God has given me a prayer, and I want to share it, as it may bless someone else. It's part of my morning prayer... my daily morning prayer.

Most gracious, kind, true and everlasting God. I come before You this morning thanking You for yet another day. Thank you Father for mercies renewed at the dawning of this very day and another opportunity to improve upon the me You'll have me to be.

As I begin this new day, I ask Lord that You will go before me and make the crooked places straight; that You will charge Your angels to watch over me throughout the course of this day.

May You order my steps and lead and guide me. Position my feet to fit within the footprints that you have already designed for me; that they may be my guide along the pathways while on this journey destined for that place called PURPOSE.

If by chance, I stray from the path, please reposition me to fall back in line and pick up on the path that you've set for me.

This and all things do I ask and pray in Your Son Jesus' name, Amen!

Stay blessed!

~ Deneen
A Woman Assigned

or a more in-depth reading on this subject matter, visit:
The Steps of a Good Man are Ordered
by Rev. Harold Mauldin


  1. Hi Deneen. I came upon this site by sheer God-incidence. I was preparing for a revival I am going to attend and wanted to familiarize myself - the theme is "Order My Steps". I notice also that you have headlined with my favorite verse in the Bible Ps. 139:14. I write poetry and you really spoke directly to me with your beautiful "I SEE". I am glad that I God has let your light shine for him and pray that He will continue to order your and my steps, so He can be glorified. arlene

  2. Hi Deneen. I came upon this site by sheer God-incidence. I was preparing for a revival I am going to attend and wanted to familiarize myself - the theme is "Order My Steps". I notice also that you have headlined with my favorite verse in the Bible Ps. 139:14. I write poetry and you really spoke directly to me with your beautiful "I SEE". I am glad that I God has let your light shine for him and pray that He will continue to order your and my steps, so He can be glorified. arlene

  3. Hi Arlene~ God has a way of meeting our each and every need. What we know is that He intended exactly what transpired prior to it ever coming to be, so this God-incidence, not only blessed you, but me. Know that as you go, your steps have already been ordered. Let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you right through the doors assigned to you. God Bless... Deneen

  4. Hi Deneen. I came upon this site by sheer God-incidence. I am preparing for a revival I am going to attend and wanted to familiarize myself - the theme is "Order My Steps". I notice that you have headlined with my favorite verse in the Bible Ps. 139:14. I write poetry and you really spoke directly to me with your beautiful "I SEE". I am glad that our God has let your light shine for him and pray that He will continue to order your and my steps, so He can be glorified. Arlene

  5. Good morning Deneen, It's Tuesday morning January 3, 2012 3 years later after initial posting. Happy New Year! I recently beame really focused on the lyrics of the song Order My Steps because it says exactly what Im asking and the LORD to do. I need him to take charge of my thoughts, my tongue in his word. I need GOD to wash my feet and heart in his word, bless his Holy and righteous name. Thank you for sharing your prayers and favorite scriptures. H ave a wonderful and blessed day!

    1. Good Morning and Happy New Year! I'm so glad that scripture never gets old! Keep pressing in to Him and I promise you He'll lead you and guide you. It's time we let go of our carnal, walk, talk and thinking and put on sanctification and love. The Holy Spirit is a sanctifier and will cause us to walk in holiness, if we allow Him to be our guide. Be blessed in your journey~ Deneen

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  7. So Amazing that I came across your site today. I just posted on my facebook status "Order my steps in thy word, Lord as I search for my true calling." I am 47 years old and justcompleted my Associates degree program which I started over 20 years ago. I stopped over 20 years ago to raise 3 children, run a household and eventually take care of my ailing Mother. Finally, I had enough strength and determination to go back to school. I have found that I am missing something in my life and I don't quite know what, so I'm searching and know that only HE will lead me and guide me to my true calling. Deneen, your page was speaking to me,so I'm grateful to have found it. Stay Blessed.
    Gwen Coble

    1. Gwen, we know that to everything God has a purpose. I am excited that you accomplished something for you, now it's time to seek the Father for His plan, His purpose for your life. We were all created to fulfill a specific purpose; often greater than we can fathom. Allow His infinite wisdom to invade our limited vision and purpose will be revealed. I'm a witness that if you ask for His direction, His guidance, His will, He is faithful to answer prayer. Agape Gwen! Stay in touch.

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  9. I have been so struck by the song Order My Steps In The Lord it's in my mind everyday when I wake up sometimes I dream about it.My daily theme I kinda happen to come across your blog which was truly a blessing for me and I thank you


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