Hold On!


Hello Everyone. Anyone. Someone.

Today is Threshold Thursday... take hold of this day and thank God for allowing us to remain on this side of the Jordan. Mercies were renewed at dawn, presenting us with yet another opportunity to walk better, talk better and be better with God.

Let's thank Him for the doors He's already opened as well as the ones He's shut. We have only to HOLD ON!

The topic of my blog this week is HOLD ON! I wrestled this week with what to write, but God put it on my heart to share my journey, so at this point of my purpose walk, I am instructed to HOLD ON!

Earlier this week, I had a talk with an awesome woman of God, who I hold very near and dear. She's known me all of my life and now at this juncture, she is a great source of encouragement and inspiration to me. God is ingenious, however, because whenever I'm feeling discouraged, tired, lonely, or the like, my phone will ring and her voice on the other end strategically and prophetically speaks to my situation, reminding me of God's promise; His covenant.

This week, Monday to be exact was one of those days. I was at a place where it felt like the bottom had dropped out. Folks cutting up; couldn't get any work done, money funny, bill time coming; feeling burdened and very heavy. I cried before the Lord seeking relief and comfort.

Like clock work, the phone rang and that awesome Angel of the Lord was speaking POWER back into my spirit. The one thing that stands out every time I speak with her is "Deneen, just HOLD ON!"

During this call, I told her that I don't have a choice. The alternative is not an option. I've been there before, there's no turning back. I told her that I am desperately holding on to the end of my Father's robe... holding on for dear life.

What she said in return, I want to share with you, as it presented an illustration that will always remain with me. She said, while you're holding on, if you feel yourself slipping, tie a knot and secure yourself. When I thought about what she said, it became so real to me.

I thought to myself, I know that God has it all under control. I know that He is faithful. He promised in His word to take care of me. I know He is able. I know His promise. I know His covenant. Has anybody ever been there? When you know, that you know, what you know about God, yet you still feel the impact of life and the hardships. In my mind, I reached out and grabbed hold to his robe tied a knot on the corner and held on. I asked Him to drag me, if need be, because I won't turn loose.

God hears our cries and whenever you feel like giving up, throwing in the towel, reach up and latch on to Him. He will carry you... I promise!

I'm reminded of a song that I sang in the choir at my church back home. The name of the song was HOLD ON! As a matter of fact, that awesome woman of God, used to always comment on this particular song.

Before I sign off, I just want to share the words.

Hold on, you hold on.
Victory's coming. It won't be long.
The race is not given to the swift or sure.
Hold my brother (sister) you hold on.

Weeping may endure for a night.
But joy will come in the morning light.
Keep the faith. It will be alright.
Oh my brother (sister), you hold on.

A Woman Assigned.
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