It's Not About You, part 2... Our Testimonies

Hello Everyone. Someone. Anyone.

Today is Word Wednesday, another day, another chance, another opportunity to experience the awesome wonders that God has already ordained for this day.

I deemed it Word Wednesday, because here at a Woman Assigned, we share words that tell stories. Which leads to the topic for this week - a continuation of last week: It's Not About You, part 2... Our Testimonies.

For the month of May on our internet radio talk show, The Purpose Diva and Friends, we've covered the topic: From VICTIM to VICTOR. Just like God, the topic for the month, mirrors my first blog as well as the piece I wrote for Afi's Tearoom, entitled " Are you a VICTIM or a VICTOR?"

I was the first to be interviewed on the talk show and although it was difficult, I shared my story. As we continued the shows for the month, we interviewed two other women: Sonya J. Wells and Kendal S. Turner, and they too shared their stories.

What stood out in my mind and was quite evident was the fact that although our stories were very different, they were the same. We were all women who went through sheer hell . We now stand in the midst of the victories and firmly understand that had it not been for God working in and on our behalf, we don't know where we would be.

As I examined this further, the scripture in Genesis 50:20, the foundational scripture for my book stood out in my mind... "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."

You see, the enemy had a plan of death and destruction for my life, but God... used it for my good and in keeping with the topic: It's Not About Me... God saved me, delivered me, rescued me, covered me, kept me, kept my mind and guarded my heart. Although I was blessed as a result, I can't keep it unless I give it away... to help bring promise and hope to yet another.

"In order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." speaks personally to the theme and purpose of this blog... A Woman Assigned for such at time... God's divine timing tied to purpose.

So you see, It's Not About Me at all! All that God has done for me, is to bless yet another. It's My Time, It's My Season, Time to Make a Difference. So let's shed the misconception, that we've gone through is nobody's business... We have a responsibility to speak words, tell stories and share victories!

Submittingly yours,
A Woman Assigned
~ Deneen

Share words. Save lives.
If you've been blessed, bless another.


  1. Deneen, you truly are a blessing and inspiration. Thank you for your obedience to God and for sharing with others what God has done for you. Too many women live their lives in turmoil and upset and with no insight in the depth of God's love, His perfect love. May we all learn to apply His truths to our lives and help to show others the way to the cross and salvation. May He continue to shower with His love and blessings and direct you to where He wants you to be. God Bless xx

  2. @ Anonymous... women are so precious to God and can be so powerful, so intricately woven, yet many of us have been raised and bred in adverse surroundings that have formed and shaped us into the exact opposite of who God created us to be. We masquerade and hide behind the false perceptions of what a "woman" should be, what a "woman" should have, measuring the who we are against the world instead of the standard of the word. It took me a while, but God literally pursued me. I didn't have many examples of what a "Woman of God" was supposed to look like, so God taught me straight out of His Word. Women by nature are nurturers. Can you just imagine what would happen if we stood up and embraced our roles and assignments? WOW!


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