
Showing posts from July, 2009

It's the Little Things...

Hello Everyone. Someone. Just one. Today is Freedom Friday and I am indeed FREE. It's been a couple of weeks since my last blog, and although I've been away, I am still under the will of God. We are in the midst of yet another awesome day and living in a season where God is indeed up to something. He's always up to something, but I just believe that He is working out some miracles and wonders on behalf of the saints. I just appreciate how AWESOME God truly is. I've been engulfed in a season of sheer gratitude for what He has already done, what He is doing, what He is going to do; what He has promised to do. This week's blog topic is It's the Little Things... This is indeed where I am in my journey. I feel that I am in a place where God is fine tuning me and perfecting a "perfect" work in me. He's surfacing and addressing the little things, the not so obvious things, the minute details, the sum of the parts that create the whole that brings ...