From October 12, 2012

Tell My children that we are crossing over; crossing over into the promises that I have made. Many have tarried with Me for much longer than they anticipated, but I am still that Father who rewards faithfulness.

New leadership will arise and take their rightful place in Me. I will dismantle and disassemble current, disobedient leadership and assign my remnant army to take hold of their position to lead my people into the place of safety; into the land of provision. Yes, I have prepared and reserved a remnant regiment who will not break rank. They hear my commands, they heed my commands and assume a solid position of "no compromise."

These are those who have been processed in the wilderness, in obscurity; those who settled not for a form of godliness, but for a true and solid foundation — relationship with their Creator. They have not bowed their knees to Baal, nor have they lifted up their hearts to idols, so I will lead them; I will go ahead of them and they will be victorious in the places where I send them. For many have been wooed by the trinkets of this world and have held fast to traditions that have replaced the teachings and instructions that I have spoken. Many have fallen for the wiles of the god of this world and have mixed the clean with the unclean and drink of poisonous doctrine and feed it to others. Not so with my end time army who have been refined in the fires of affliction and have endured many trials. Not everyone has fallen away and them shall I use greatly in the times ahead.

Shakings have already begun, but this is only the beginning. The very foundations for many are being shifted and even pulled out from beneath them to accommodate My order in the coming of My kingdom. Just as it was in the days of old, so shall it be again. As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end.

Babylon, the Great, built upon fallacy is fallen and shall be utterly destroyed.  Come out My children and come with Me to the place I have prepared for you. Separate yourselves unto Me, and be spared from the coming distress. Let the new thing that I have purposed in your life come forth. Come and experience true freedom and liberty in Me. Now is that time, says the LORD.

Joshua 1:10, Deuteronomy 9:1-3, Joshua 1-9, 2Timothy 3:5, 1Kings 19:18, Psalm 24:4, Isaiah 48:10, Psalm 66:10, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 12:27-28, Revelation 18 (in its entirety)


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