HIS STILL SMALL VOICE: October 24 2013

HIS STILL SMALL VOICE:  October 24 2013

A portion of a word the Lord shared with me in prayer. I pray it bless and encourage you, as I'm led to share what He's released me to share. 

Know this, this day, says the Lord of Hosts. it is I who fights your battles. It is I Whose hand is lifted to deliver thee and smite Mine enemies. Any who would dare position themselves against My children, has now come against Me. Who can stand against the power of the Almighty God who reigns from heaven? If I, God, be for you, who can be against you?

Fret not, for My hand is lifted against your enemies. Be not moved by their threatenings, for I shall answer. Be still, ever so still and know that I am God. Move not from My sanctuary. That is where you will find your peace.  Peace I give unto you, not peace as the world would, or could comprehend, but My peace, divine peace, peace that is beyond comprehension or mere man's understanding. 

No harm shall befall thee for you are under the wings of My protection. Stand still. Stand still. Stand still, and see - witness the salvation of the LORD. The enemy , the devil is a defeated foe, and I will soon pass sentience upon him and his minions, his imps and the workers of darkness, but My children shall know me as LORD.

Look not at what is positioned against you, but keep your eyes lifted on high. Know that I have already secured a way for you and none shall harm not one hair upon your head. Know that the serpent, the dragon must blow and breathe fire, but the hand of the LORD is upon him and I shall bring My children to safety. The water of my word shall quench every fiery dart. 

Shield up. Armor up, my children. Let not your heart be troubled for I have conquered the world. You are already victorious in Me. The LORD has surely spoken it, now you shall witness My power, My saving grace, My mighty hand of deliverance. 

Listen attentively for Me. I will show you the way. The days are darkened, and gross darkness upon the people. Watch as I do all I've said. Dawn is on its way. 

Love Lord Yeshua!

2 Chronicles 20: 15b, 17a, Romans 8:31, Psalm 18:47-48, Romans 12:19, Exodus 14:13-14, Isaiah 43:19, John 14:27, John 16:33, Ephesians 6: 10-18, Isaiah 60:2


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