
Showing posts from November, 2013


From November 21, 2013 This morning upon awakening I heard,  "We are crossing over."  Here is the word spoken by the Spirit of the LORD in prayer.


November 3, 2013 The sons of God are they who walk according to My Spirit. I breathed life into every living creature; the life giving source of My word is embedded in the spirit of them that are Mine.   Now is the time to arise from all that hinders you and keeps you from fulfilling the role of sonship determined by Me for you before the very foundations of the world; before there was form from what was void.   Many of you, predestined to be conformed into the image of My only Begotten Son, have gone awry and off course. Now, I say, allow the refining fires to burn away the dross; all that is impure, and be corrected to follow My plan, My course. Those that are Mine will come forth as the sons of righteousness, while the same fires will separate that which is chaff.   Many have already endured many trials, much testing, refining, reshaping and reforming and shall be restored and made ready for service. Others are entering a more intense purging and cleansing a...