From November 21, 2013

This morning upon awakening I heard, "We are crossing over." 

Here is the word spoken by the Spirit of the LORD in prayer.

"Now I will give you the interpretation of the tongues you speak. 

"You said, now is the time for Zion to arise and put on the new garments. It is time for her to bear fruit according to the vine, the True Vine. It is time for Me to robe her in My splendor. It is time for her to shine. Shine, shine, shine in the beauty of My splendor. Release My fragrance into the atmosphere. Praise and worship rendered, sweet music to My ear. For I have come to Zion to uplift her and to bring her unto Me. For she shall bear My likeness, such beauty I will see. 

This is the time, My precious lamb, slain before Me, a sacrifice, sweet, sweet savor to my nostrils. The aroma of praise released into the atmosphere. Heaven is rejoicing for My beloveds shall come, come home to Me, to the place that I've prepared. Oh what baited breath anticipation emits from heaven above, for the Father is seated and awaits the execution of His plan formed and shaped in Him, through the pattern of the Son, all along, from before, before, before the foundations of the earth were formed.

Tell My children, I Am come, I Am among you, I Am here. The chains are broken and freedom, the sound of freedom shall reign, shall rule, for where the Spirit of the Lord is, so is there liberty. Be set free, set free in Me. It is time to come into your established destinies, them who are chosen, the called who receive. 

Be not dismayed for what you see. It is I bringing this upheaval to bring all into My perfect order. Yes, it is true, that it is darkest before dawn, but after this, you shall stand in your appointed places and receive the riches of the kingdom, established, fully established in Me. 

Them that are prepared, take your places, for now we pursue and occupy the land I gave to your forefathers, the promises of Abraham. 

Fret not, My children, we're almost there, for your cries are heard and now every answer cast down. You shall receive Me now as never before, the greatest measure of My glory released, on display for all to see, to witness.

My beloveds, the called, the chosen for such a time as this. My priesthood, ARISE and put on your priestly garments, your robes of righteousness. My royal house, My royal family to rule and reign. My kingdom comes, My will is done, now on earth as it has always been in heaven.

Prepare for the spectacular, for it is upon you. Those who have eyes to see, shall see and witness this grand display of My glory. Them who have ears to hear, shall hear the Lion roar and the sounds of heaven rejoicing. 

I have not left My children defenseless and without hope. It is I, Yeshua, the hope of glory, the Firstborn of the Father, risen from the dead. The dead in Me shall arise now, for the time is nigh of the end. I shall have My glorious house, the latter house. My covenant still stands. 

These are the best and the worst of times depending where you stand. Them who receive of Me shall do exploits, the greater works and wonder, you see. They who refuse shall have their place with the hypocrites.

It is now time, My children, I your Maschiach have truly come. I shall visit thee, every  one. Prepare for the time of crossing over is upon you., it commences. The kingdom of God in heaven is at hand!

Love Lord Yahweh Yeshua! I am the King of Righteousness, My Righteous Branch ARISE!""

Scripture References:

Joshua 2-3, Isaiah 46:3-4, Ezekiel 12: 17-28, Isaiah 52:1-2, John 15:1-2, Isaiah 60:1-2, Ephesian 1:3-4, 2 Cor 3:15-18, Galatians 3:29, Rev 5:8, 8:3,  Zech 3:1-4, Col 1:15-18, 1Thess 4:16, Haggai 2:6-9, John 14:12, Matthew 24: 50-51


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