REPOST: His Still Small Voice from March 21, 2013

REPOST: March 21, 2015

March 21, 2013

This is the time daughter, for many have strayed far from the course. Many have taken My word and led my little ones astray. They have no intention of honoring Me, for I know every heart and I see all.

Now, the tearing down comes to build and re-erect in Me, according to My pattern, My plans, My blueprint, heaven's reflected image in the earth.

Many will fall under the glory, others will arise and receive of Me. This is the day of reckoning. Man has had his fill of pride and self-glory, vanity. Now I come to repay.

Position yourselves and make ready for I Am Come. I Am here and I am cleansing and purging MY HOUSE! No more beggarly among My children. I will set them free from the man made, man-erected structures and then I will draw them unto Me.

Change is here. Change has come. It springs forth. Surely, I have spoken it, says the LORD! I AM the Lord of Hosts and I come to fight on behalf of My children.


Triumph and victory shall emerge from My camps. No longer down trodden, no longer in fear, The Lord of Hosts has spoken it. Surely, I shall perform it.


Hold fast, for I come to do all that I have spoken into your hearing. No more threats, no more, I say no more. FREE you will be. FREE, FREE indeed.

Shout, for your victory is come, is come, says the Father. They shall no longer pillage my people. For I have seen it and My justice now prevails. For I am a righteous judge and I see all.

Watch My daughter for the Egyptians you see now, you shall see no more, says the LORD. I AM JEHOVAH NISSI, and the banner of victory is now masted in favor of My children.

For My namesake shall I perform it. It is FINISHED, says the LORD!


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