From April 24, 2014

Whenever I think of the priesthood, I refer immediately to 1 Peter 2:9. 
"For you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that thee should shew forth the praises of Him who brought you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

Here is what the Lord spoke to me in prayer:

"I have come to give you life and give it to thee more abundantly. I am abundant and rich in all things and My goodness is directed toward My children. You know, Beloved, that it must be to bring things into order, My divine order, in accordance with My heavenly decree. 

I made it known before the foundations of the world were formed. It resides in My desire, now to be carried out for My creation. My chosen were selected before the womb beheld them. Now I call them to Myself and give of them the gift of eternal life, free from sin and stain. A death to the old nature, life in the new, redeemed bodies, just as My word says. 

I shall shelter you, My children from the storms ahead. Just know that it is I in the eye of the storm.

Arise, and put on your new garments. Arise, and answer the call placed on your life from before you were born. Come and be born now of the Spirit, no longer of the flesh. I make all things new in you, through you. 

I Am Yahuah Elohim — your God and Creator. MY creation obeys My voice. Hear and hearken now to My call. The time of regeneration is at hand — and — the fulfillment of all things. No longer will the former be, but what is new and born of Me, My Spirit, is all that shall stand. 

This is the day that I have made. My children, they that are in Me, shall rejoice. It's time to suit up, the call to duty is being issued from above. Hearken when I call. Listen for My cry. The time of the end is come, bringing forth a new beginning. Those with eyes already see, those being awakened are gaining sight and vision to what this season brings. 

It is now, Beloveds. It is come. Be and remain secure in Me. I have already made a way for each of you, and you shall stand firmly, established in the places I've assigned to you, operating in the gifts distributed to you, My Body, My Church, the redeemed ones, Oh beautiful Bride. I shall adorn her and beset her with precious jewels, My gems, how beautiful, how beautiful you are.

I Am the Lord your God, and I shall surely, surely I will perform all that I have promised, all that I have written in My word. A restored generation, My kingdom, My priest and kings, a royal house established in the heavenlies, an inheritance sure in Me, the covenant established.

Embrace the new before you, I Am the Lord and it shall all be accomplished. You shall surely see and know your God.

Yahweh Elohim.

NOTE: 24 is the number symbolic of the PRIESTHOOD.

20 REDEMPTION is associated with the Hebrew letter Kaph (palm, open hand = cover or give, open, allow)

4 CREATION, THE EARTH, MATERIAL CREATION is associated with the letter Daleth (a door = opening, entry, pathway)

24 is a combination of kaph-daleth, the open palm in the act of opening a door, signifying an open hand showing and offering to us the door of priesthood and access to the Sanctuary of God. It is a call to Spiritual Government.

Source: Biblical Meaning of Numbers by Dr. Stephen E. Jones

Numbers 6:24-26
24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.


  1. Beautiful Word! Thank you :-)

  2. What a blessing and encouragement! See you soon dear sister! I think of you often!

    1. Hello there, TB! It's been a while. It's really great to hear from you. This truly has been a long journey. I pray all is well with you and your family. I sent you a message a few months ago on the back of YouTube. I could not find your number for the life of me. Don't be a stranger. Keep in touch. Dee

  3. our lord is awesome, faithful, loving and so true. what a blessing

  4. Glory to God! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Replies
    1. I concur! HalleluYah. True story... I did not send out or schedule the post. It came up in my email and I thought, this is the work of the LORD. HalleluYah!


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