from October 29, 2013

Good morning daughter. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. For you O daughter of Zion shall give birth. The time of travail is upon you, but your delivery shall not be aborted. It shall not be hindered. Daughter, O Daughter of Zion, I call to you this day. Come and answer the call to bear fruit, to bear fruit in the likeness of the One who seeks to inhabit, seeks to live largely within you. Not barren, not barren, says the LORD, for the prunings, trials and testings have produced in you a fruitful and bountiful harvest.

My Dearest One, O my daughter, Zion awaits thee. Though your life seems parched and dry — arid, I water it now by the waters that shall overtake you. You shall dwell no longer in the barren place, for I call you blessed. Blessed are you O daughter of the Most High, Most Holy God. Blessed and favored are you amidst the King, the King of glory. For now He comes and alights upon His chosen and ignites the fires within that burn for Him. The amber coals shall blaze and in the furnace of your affections shall emit the fire of His word that shall devour all that is not of Him. 

I, says the LORD, shall have My very own fire breathers, whose breath shall release the words of power to heal the sick, raise the dead, words that shall sever the chaff from the lives of those to whom I send, and I shall garner the harvest, My plentiful harvest. The harvest is ripe, My child and I call the laborers to report for duty. I shall align My mighty army and breath upon them and they shall be changed, empowered to go forth into this dying world and preach the gospel to all men, to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

Sound the alarm. I am coming to visit My bride. She will be adorned in My finest apparel. Hand sewn, fitted just for her. Will you let me put on your new garment? Will you bear My likeness, bear My glory? Will you let Me change your name, and change your entire life in the blink of an eye? I'm already here. My bride deserves My glory for the trouble of living amidst this cold, dark and wicked world. I shall call to you, come, come and enter in. Be consumed with My love for you, be ever changed in My Presence. The time is nigh. It comes.

Lord Yeshua. 

The bridegroom comes.

Luke 1:28-50, Isaiah 51: 3, 52:,1 54: 1-3, Isaiah 62, Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2, John 20:22, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 25:6, Luke 12: 35-37


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