source: Creative Sway by Robert Payne

 From June 15, 2013

When I bent my knees to pray — Good Morning, Daughter! Yes this is the day that I have made, you shall rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

My daughter, this is the time. All will unfold now without tarry or delay. This is the appointed time, the appointed season. The first harvest prepared, made ready. My sickle is outstretched, the reapers sent. Prepare for now it comes. I will come into My temples and clean house, cleanse them of all defilement of all that stains them.

My second harvest is ripe, yet where would they go. Many of the places that bear My name are sin and guilt ridden, hosting all sorts of demons, corroded with unimaginable sin — in secret and in the open. NO MORE shall it be. I require holiness before Me. Be ye holy, if you will serve Me, or serve the god you've created for yourselves and perish. There is NO MORE TIME. If I not position My chosen many more will perish for what is about to abound upon your planet you call earth.  I have extended the time, but now with the acceleration of events, we're right on time. 

Be and remain in readiness for the hour, the moment has arrived. Much will be revealed and more will be exposed. Great upheaval now for without it, the times of refreshing — restoration can't come. 

The earth will quake and tremble under My mighty visitation, This is the hour of visitation. I come now to judge and bring forth justice, first in the churches, then upon the land and its inhabitants. You have no idea just how perverse they are. All sorts of unmentionable abominations and many done in My name. They stand at their platforms and use My holy scriptures to promote their crooked and perverse agendas. 

But I, the Lion roars from the throne and comes to visit. Either I shall be Lord of all or not Lord at all. No more straddling between two opinions and attempting to walk in two worlds. It's all or nothing and this is the hour to choose, to make your calling and election known. No more outward renditions, no more lip service. Do My word or choose to perish. It is not My desire that any perish, but every man must choose. 

Never did I say that I would share My glory with man. And it's unheard of to think that the enemy and I shall share glory — No, NOT HEARD OF. So, the events unfold now, My dear one and you will know them. Yes, now is that time. Transformation is also upon you. You will know Me as you've not yet known Me. 

Stay ever before Me, remain close. I will give clues and instructions as the manifestations emerge. It's time to shine, My beautiful ones. Now retribution, now restoration, now vindication, prepare to be amazed. In the midst of trouble, My shiny ones shall emerge glorious, victorious. 

I love you . It's time to be excited. Your Lord, Yeshua —Jesus Christ — Hail the Lion from the tribe of Judah — King of kings and Lord of lords — Hail the Precious Diadem — Crown Him Lord of All!

I Come!


  1. Dee,
    I know this is from a past conversation with the Lord yet it seems even more perfect for today. I do find myself frightened (about the chaos to come) and also so very excited to witness the power and might of my Lord.
    I have not heard of two harvests before. Or maybe I have but I didn't understand it. Do you have any insights into what each harvest means?
    And one more thought -- I have prayed so often for the strength to never compromise my faith. I remember Peter - who knew Jesus personally - denied Him 3 times. I would rather die. (And some messages sound like I might get the chance to die for Him...). Do you have any suggestions or recommended prayers to grow that strength?
    Thank you for saying 'yes' to receive and share these messages with us!

    1. Donna, I agree that many of the words He has directed me to share again, speak as if they were written today. Our Father, who is not bound by time, still never ceases to amaze me ;)

      I have no idea just how chaotic things may become, but dwelling in the secret place of the Most High is where I hope to be.

      Donna, send me your email address to my blog email and I'll do my best to share my understanding with you.

      As far as Your reference to the incident with Peter, yes we are all vulnerable to fall short in times of persecution. We must be resolute to remain on the narrow way, yet we both know, only by divine strength are we made able. I think the fact that you are cognizant and aware is a good thing. Peter repented and was restored and went on to preach the gospel with power, and many were added to the kingdom. Thank God for His mercy!

      Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comments. Stay encouraged and before I call it a night, I'll say a prayer for you.



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