From July 31, 2014

I entitled this word, God will not be silent based upon the scripture He led me to this morning. God instructed me to read Psalm 83. Here are the first four verses. I recommend reading in its entirety.

Psalm 83:1-4
Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up thy head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

Word From the LORD:

My daughter, My friend, tell My children to fret no longer. I have heard their petition, I've heard them every one. I am a God who draws near, not afar off. I said that I will rescue My children. Am I not their Redeemer, am I not their Friend, for I sticketh even closer than a brother and am with them to the end.

Mast the flag of victory and praise Me now, for with your eyes you shall see the reward, the recompense of your enemies. I did not allow these things to hurt you, but I know them that are mine. Know that, receive this day the revelation that all things work to your good and benefit a purpose under heaven.

I know that My children have heard "soon" time and time again. Know that I Am now come. Lift up your head O ye gates, for the King of glory shall come in. Posture yourselves before Me and let the high praise begin. Release the Hosannas in the Highest and bless My name, bless My holy name, for your Redeemer lives. Praise Me and watch the storm subside and you'll find rest for your weary soul.

I Am Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End, I Am the Corporal of My great army who withstood brutal attacks, yet will not bow to men. I Am the LORD, and I am pleased, so pleased with them that are mine.

O faithful ones, rejoice, for your redemption draweth nigh. I have not ceased to bring to pass all the pleasant words I have spoken. Yes, I know with each release, an onslaught of the adverse came upon you. Know now that I will not be silent and I will defend My little ones. I will have a nation of kings, of priests, a holy royal house and I shall give them goodly things. Yes, the blessings that maketh rich void of any sorrow.

If you are still standing and have not denied My name, then know that you are counted among the faithful. I am not ashamed of your frailty, it only motivates Me all the more to strengthen you and cover you in My might, in My glory. Refreshing shall come and we will rebuild upon the ruins.

Now, My Beloveds, come to Me in praise and thanksgiving. Be lifted up above all that ails or comes against you. Fly on the winds of the clouds and prepare for your heavenly home. It is the place in Me where you shall dwell and dwell safely, for I shall have My habitation with you. You will be My people, and I will be your God. The best is yet to come. A latter filled with fruitful things. Nothing lacking. Nothing wanting. Endure to the end.

Love Lord Yeshua!


  1. My dear Sister, I've been reading your posts and the words from Yah given to you for several years now. I think I've read every single post... and I must tell you, its been pure manna for me, such living waters to my soul. Thank you so much and I look forward to meeting you in the heavenlies one day soon.
    My most humblest regards to you, Holly.

    1. Bless you, Holly! My prayer is always that someone is being blessed by what the Lord has called me to be diligent to do. I too look forward to meeting those He has connected... shalom dear sister, Shalom.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen! Amen! and Hallelujah!! ... Love the spiritual nourishment, much Love and Many Blessings to you Sister :-)

  4. Thank you sister for this word; It is a blessing to hear.


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