July 2, 2014

Last night I read stories and testimonies of people who have been going through much hardship and adversity, even for years, beginning for many around 2008. I am always reminded, even in my own circumstances, that there are others going through, even things that seem to be worse than my own. 

I know that the Father knows just how much and what we each can bear, and uses it all to mature us, and prepare us, and only He will get the glory. While I pondered on this last night, it was still upon my heart this morning and while in prayer, I asked for a consult in the Father's chambers.

I began to speak to Him about His children who are mocked, even slandered for His name, who sit before Him to gain the strength to endure each day, yet press through to lift their hearts in worship and praise, and how the world says, "Where is their God?" 

Here is what the Father spoke to me in prayer:

"Have you ever heard a lamb cry? It is the most piercing sound. Since I am the Great Shepherd of My people, Israel, I hear My little flock and the piercing cries that touch My heart. As the Good Shepherd, I lead My flock to green and lively pastures. They cannot graze in a parched and arid land.

This day, Beloved, I raise up My shepherds, them called by and after My name. Them who I have given a heart like mine to feed and nourish My sheep according to the words that give life. Grassened loaves that will feed them and cause them to be alive. Green, green, green, grassy lands where they shall lay down and repose. Rest, Beloveds, rest. 

I hear, continuously hear, the pleas and petitions from they who have contrition and hearts that have been severed from poisonous elements that hinder its function. Now I give, I add back that which is of wholeness and wholesome to My children's bones. Like they say, milk does a body good, I give that which is even greater. Drink now of Me, My children, the well of endless provision, the wells of healing, that bring refreshing to thy souls. Never thirst or hunger for I am your all in all. 

Be convinced and rest assured this day that My ears and eyes are inclined your way. No longer shall My children be at the brunt of the mockery and slayings of them who use them as merchandise. I bought and paid for them with the highest price, My very life, I shed My precious blood.

There is power, healing power, cleansing power in My blood and the DNA of God is implanted in every true child of God. Now I pass through the multitudes and I look for Myself in you, and when I see of Myself, My mark, My evidence, that is where I will rest. I shall rest and alight upon them that are my very own. Just like I passed through Egypt and the mark of My blood made the distinction, distinguished My very own. 

Now, My children hear and hearken unto the Father, for the time has come. Remain in Me, for I shall lead you. Listen for My still small voice. Quiet yourselves before Me, spend time in My Presence, for your personal instructions. Nothing shall remain as it was. Change is surely come. Gird up your loins with truth. Seek Me, for I Am its source. Man has corrupted truth, but I the living God will pour it out upon you, if thou would but seek Me in the quiet place. 

Great blessing is assured for them who do so with diligence. Set aside what you think you know and truly learn of Me. I Am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to the Father except by Me. Buy of Me gold tried by the fire, for it is necessary in order to offer up a pleasing sacrifice. Be not found as lukewarm lest I spue you from me.

My faithful shall be the pattern of such things, yes they who you cast away. Yet they shall know their God, because they have not denied My name. Count all loss as gain, for the kingdom surely comes and they who lost their lives shall surely be found by Me and rewarded this day. To them who sought to hold on to their lives, count it as dung. Repent and do as they who offer up a pleasing sacrifice. Be not as Cain who resented his brother, but offer up the same and I will receive you. 

The time of reckoning past, reward and recompense.

(While I was praying, I saw a HUGE gavel and it came down and hit the block of wood. I googled and found out that the block of wood is called a sound block. I didn't hear any sound, I just saw the gavel come down.) 

Justice, My justice, according to My word. Reaping what's been sown — is what you shall harvest. I have spoken from My chambers. Am I not a God of Justice? Justice is served, says the Lord of Hosts. 

My turnarounds now, daughter. But unto thee according to My words, them that I speak in your hearing this day. For today, I hear the plight of My children, I hear them cry out every day. Yet they still offer up the sacrifice of praise and press in to render worship. Yet there is a worship that they have yet to know, and I shall make it available to them. No longer shall they try to lift their hands while they are constrained. I come to remove them now, says the LORD.

I desire My people and I want them free to worship and honor their God. I Am the LORD of Hosts, and now I fight on behalf of My children. My jealousy is to the full, for I desire them, all of them to come and serve before My throne. It is given thee, Beloved, because you plead the cause of the poor, widow, fatherless, needy before Me. Your Father, the Great Judge, says yes.

Behold, for what I will do, shall be unprecedented, like nothing seen before. Not even noted in history. I Am the Great I Am, and I shall show Myself mighty. I shall smite the Egyptians and set My children FREE! Behold My mighty hand. 


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