image source: freeimages.com

August 19, 2014

Good morning brothers and sisters. I wanted to share a dream I had just before waking this morning, and get any input that you may have regarding this. 

The picture displayed above is the closest I could find to what I saw in the dream, but there was a circle on top of the tower, if that makes sense.

Here's the dream: 

I went outside and there was a huge electrical maintenance type truck outside.The men in the truck had on work helmets. They were using the truck to pull down the signal (power) towers in the neighborhood. I saw a couple of towers in the neighborhood bent over. The best way to describe what I saw is that it looked as if the towers were attached to the homes or just behind the homes and the truck and men came to pull them down. They were bent over with the circular part of the top of the towers closest to the street.

In prayer, I asked the Lord about what I saw. Here is what He shared with me: 

"Listen to Me My child. The dream you dreamed speaks of a soon to come threat upon your country, at least parts of it. You have heard about the potential of taking down the internet, cell phones, etc. A cyber attack of sorts, but it will be a man-made, man-planned event. We must begin to prepare for such things. 

There are many things planned to bring discomfort and disarray to your land. If you cut off communication, it creates panic and havoc. Remain in Me, for I will show My people, lead My children in this. It will be for a short instance, but they will do all they can to insight distress and bring terror and panic to the people. Neighborhoods will be under surveillance, even monitored, so do only as I say."

I will be seeking the Lord further regarding this, and will share as He leads. If any of you have anything pertinent or relevant to add, please comment below. With all things take them before the Lord in prayer. Seek Him for personal instructions. We that are in Him, have nothing to fear, for He has made provision for His own. 

God bless each and everyone of you. Please be in prayer and intercession for the people of our nation. and the nations around the world, that they will awaken and seek the Lord as their refuge and that all may desire a right relationship with the Father, and prepare for the soon return of our Lord. 

Remain in the presence of the Lord. 


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