Words from the Lord after prayer
Morning of October 17, 2014

The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the glory of the former. The rains, the end time outpouring shall exceed that on the Day of Pentecost. This shall empower My glorious ones to go ye therefore and preach My (emphasis on My) gospel to the ends of the earth. We are in the last days. Soon I will come and rule and reign among mankind.

My house shall be a house of prayer, for now I come to evict the thieves, the robbers, the hirelings who postured themselves, who thought to take My place in the lives of My sheep. Am I not the head of the church? By far, I Am; not the ones erected in brick and mortar. My house, My glorious house are My consecrated and anointed ones who I shall fill with My glory. Yes, the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of My glory, for it shall be displayed by My carriers, My chosen. 

Be the light of the world, just as I am. When you do as I do, you become as I am. Take your places and posture yourselves to receive from heaven. My mercy is still extended. I truly desire that none perish. My people err greatly for they desire words of men. I left you with My inspired writings to train you up in righteousness, yet they go unnoticed. Only a few peel open the pages and seek Me for revelation. The closer walk and relationship with Me, the more that is revealed in My word. 

I am amused by the scholars who think themselves more learned than I, how absurd! Study is a form of worship, but you need My Spirit to interpret. It is intentionally that I  established it so. Was it not the Word that manifested before mankind? So shall it again in My glorious ones, those who laid down their lives shall be glorified. 

So come, let us continue. There is much to do, much up ahead. Make your calling and election sure, for now I will shorten the time. It shall all commence — full speed ahead.

Lord Yeshua.

Haggai 2:9
The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.

Zechariah 10:1
Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

Matthew 21:12-13
12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them.

Also: Matthew 28:19, Habakkuk 2:14, Matthew 5:14-16, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, John 1:14,  Matthew 24:22, 2 Peter 1:10


  1. Our Lord showed me the same this morning while I was in prayer with Him! He didn't speak , but He showed me through revelation., and His words here confirm!

    I was shown how everyone He places us around or who cross our path (especially the unloveable who despise us) are placed there intentionally by Him so that we can intercede for them. And so that we can be His Light for them because they don't have any light, so they are being offered HIS Light through us to them. Wether they accept or reject is up to them, but through our prayers for them, the Lord will out of mercy, create situations and trials in their lives so that He can soften their hearts and some of His Light can break through their hard hearts. Once a little of His Light cracks through, the way is made for More of His Light to flood in .

    He can only send His Light through us as channels when we step out of the way and let HIS Spirit act and move through us. When we don't let our flesh react negatively in response to them (as Peter often did!) but step back and let the Lord within us express Himself instead to them.

    After the Lord gave me this revelation this morning, Every devotional book I opened up to at random after that confirmed what He showed me, and now this message from Him through you, sister, also further confirms. It is like He REALLLLLLLY wants me to get this message!!

    Here is some of what He had me open to from "He and I" and also even Maria Valtorta's book, "The Poem of the Man-God"!

    from "He and I"., "....try to be like the Beloved. Let them see My face in your face. The Father will be charmed and will reward you richly. What will you not obtain?" Why do you ask so little? Come to Us, My child and ease our longing to show compassion. Don't ever forget that the people around you are there in order that you may plead for them. You don't take a single step without Me..."

    and : ".In this hour of agony for your country, see My infinite quest for souls. I Am like a Hunter Who would let Himself be wounded to death in order to lure His coveted prey. I am the One Who has caught the leprosy from the leper He loves. AI have suffered all things, for I have known all things. I have atoned for everything. I the pure One, by My blood which flowed drop by drop. Then let no one be afraid to come to Me. The greatest sinner will know the joy of being pressed to My wide open heart. But let him come without any fear; it's easy enough if he keeps his mind on Me rather than on himself ...and it will be his path of peace. Go with your prayerfulness and find sinners for Me. Go and seek them."

    And then I opened without planning to to Maria Valtorta's record of visions she had of Jesus's daily life, and came to this:

    Jesus said to Martha, "No, Martha, give that room to the most humble guests, to Johanan's peasants, for instance." Why , Master?, Martha replied. "Because each poor man is Jesus and I am in all of them. Always love the poor whom no one loves, if you want to be perfect. Prepare for me in the entrance hall. If you leave open the doors of the many rooms opening into it, everybody will be able to see Me and I shall see everybody..."

    The Lord revealed to me that those who are truly poor are the ones who do not know Him, who are the lost ones in need of Him. If we open the doorways of our "entrance halls" (hearts) to let HIM shine through us, then everybody can see Him through us and He can minister to those He places before us outside of our "entrance hall". This is what the Holy Spirit was saying through this account He showed to Maria Valtorta.

    1. You have shared more than you know. Your words further confirm what the Father has been showing me. Our pleading for them, even while they are used by the enemy against you. Even while you bear the burden of your cross you pray for your accuser and show forth His kindness. Is this not the way of Yeshua? Did He not say, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

      This is not the way taught by many, a life of self denial, that the Father may be glorified. Yeshua is the Word and He lived out the Word in demonstration. His actions spoke more loudly than the words. There are many speaking, but we will know them by their demonstration.

      Bless you for your share!


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