from December 28, 2013

I entitled this the "Heart of YAHUSHA" based on a vision I saw while in prayer.

This is an image scanned from my notebook. It's not a picasso but I think the essence of what it represents is clear enough. What I saw looked like the combination of a heart and a womb. There was a large valve divided, on the left side was water and on the right side blood. In the bottom, there was a small fetus.

Here are the words from the Lord:

My beloved daughter, this is the picture of My beloveds held in the womb of My heart. My beloved bride kept close to Me, born in Me before the foundations of the earth were formed. My blood shed to redeem them, the water of My word washing over them, formed in My womb for such a time as this. 

Now the fetus has come to full term and shall be born of water and spirit, My redeemed ones, redeemed by My blood, My blood, My blood, the price of all mankind. These ones will not trample it under foot but they shall know and remember that they were born of Me, taken from My side, released for the time of the end, where the greatest ministry ever unfolds. 

It's sort of like the amniotic sac in the womb of a mother who nurtures and feeds her young before they exit the womb. It's birthing time My beloved...

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God with heaven as the first witness, and now this man (spirit) and shall be joined to this woman (soul) in holy matrimony. My covenant brings My covenant promises (redemption).

NOTE: () are added for understanding.

Behold, I am the Lamb that was slain, now I come as the Lion from the Tribe of Judah and call to My beloveds this day. Arise men of valor and take your rightful place. Arise women of virtue and stand facing Me. I shall bring you now together as one, as one in Me. The time of the marriage is come, My Beloved.

Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel, shall come to thee O' Israel. (started hearing the song. Here is a link to the lyrics.)

O' Come O' Come Emmanuel 
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lowly exile here
Until the Son of God appears. 
Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel
Shall come to thee O' Israel

Yes, beloved, your King is here, and I see how they treat My beloveds, My bride, My pride and My joy, who left the confines of this world to seek My robes of joy. Rejoice for your redemption is come - My holy priesthood. Many shall rise from obscurity, the pits of the earth, the bowels of death. I am here beloveds. Rejoice. I am here, Yahusha, your King. Where is My bride? Where are My beloveds? My heart aches for thee. I know you've suffered long, now I come, I come to retrieve you... 

Lift up your head O' ye gates, for the King of glory is come. It is I Yahusha HaMaschiach, I am the King of glory. 

(started hearing the song — link to lyrics)
All hail the power of Jesus' name
Let angels prostrate fall
Bring forth the Royal Diadem 
And crown Him Lord of all!


  1. SUCH AMAZING CONFIRMATION...!!! Today during my prayer time I was going over with Our Dear Father In Heaven, about How Great A Father He IS For Birthing All Of Us and The Most Courageous Bridegroom In Waiting For Giving Us HIS PRECIOUS HEART In Exchange For Ours and How I Longed For Our Two Hearts To Beat As One, ENTWINED FOREVER TOGETHER...!!! Chuckles, He Certainly Hear's Everything We Say...! BIG GRIN!

    I also can't help but feel in my spirit that the birth pangs are quickening and how I feel more tuned in to The Holy Spirit/Our Lord Jesus/Father GOD, It's a sense that's becoming more acute by the second, a kind of Fine Tuning...!
    Rebecca Bonnell X

    1. Rebecca, are we not as little children anticipating what it is that He will do. Thank you for your lively comments and the excitement you share. The goal, the aim, the target is the heart of Yeshua for He has already committed His love to us!


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