July 13, 2019
Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

I had a dream yesterday morning and I am led to share. According to pattern, I will share the dream and then elaborate upon the symbolism and interpretation.


I was at a market, a small supermarket. I was present, but I was not a participant. I was more of an observer. There was some sort of restriction or shopping curfew. In the dream, no one was allowed to purchase food for ten days. 

There was a shop owner who was a foreigner. I refer to him as such because that's the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me. It will be more obvious in the interpretation. As I mentioned, there was a curfew, but those who were in the store were permitted to finish shopping. The store shelves, however, were filled with food, stocked well. 

There was a woman holding a loaf of bread (not sliced, but a loaf). She had a knife and was scraping something off of the bread. She was adamant about scraping off this bread. 

There was another woman who was looking for bread. The store owner led her over to a section of the market where the bread was kept. The best description I can provide is that the bread was piled up and arranged in sacks, sacks used for storing grain or delivering bread, but there were bugs all over them. The bugs looked like flies, small black flies. She kept asking for other bread, but the store owner kept leading her to the bread with bugs. 

Here's what I've gathered thus far regarding the interpretation:

The market represents a place where we buy food. Food is what our bodies require for nourishment. We also need to be nourished with spiritual food. Since the dream is a spiritual, so are the symbols. 

I'm not altogether certain about the 10 days, however the number 10 symbolizes, law (torah), testimony and responsibility, which all point to the word of God, torah, His teaching, instructions and disciplines. 

I believe that the restriction/curfew undergirds the theme of the famine implied by a rationing system of some sort.

The store owner was a foreigner. In the scriptures foreigner means stranger, and a stranger is one who is not of the sheepfold. If you recall in John 10 Yahushua said, My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. John 10 is a contrast between Yahushua, the Good Shepherd, and the thief, stranger and hireling.

Both women were looking for bread. We know that bread symbolizes the word of God. What was also noted was that there was food, plenty of food on the shelves, but all they sought after was bread.

The first woman had a loaf and was meticulously scraping something from the bread. The Holy Spirit shared that it was mold. Well, mold is a contaminate, and what the Holy Spirit brought to mind was "fungus or yeast," hence LEAVEN. We have a few examples cited in scripture that speak to what leaven is and what leaven does. It contaminates the Word of God, which is our spiritual food.

We are reminded in Galatians 5:9 and 1 Corinthians 5:6 that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

leaven: (G2219: zyme)
metaph. of inveterate mental and moral corruption, viewed in its tendency to infect others.

NOTE: Leaven is applied to that substance which is small in quantity, yet thoroughly pervades a thing by its influence.

We are also cautioned in the word of God to "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees." (Matthew 16, 6, 11,12, Mark 8:15, Luke 12:1)

With that, I want to revisit the stranger again. The stranger could very well symbolize our modern day Pharisees and/or false teachers who have infiltrated the church with heretical teachings and false doctrine.

The woman who was scraping off the bread was so intent on doing so. She already had a loaf, and was removing the contamination. This could very well be that she desired the truth of the word of God and meticulously removed what has kept the truth hidden — the mold. Maybe she was one who hungered for the word of God and by the Spirit of God began to remove the false teachings and doctrines that contaminated her loaf. When I tell you she was adamant, her attention was on nothing else but that loaf of bread.

The other woman who asked the store owner for bread, was also seeking, but was directed to loaves that were covered with flies.  She too obviously hungered, but kept being led to the infested bread. I also learned that flies are significant in this tale as well. Beelzebub means "Lord of the Flies," a term associated with satan and has been cited to signify lies. The lies that have been mixed in with the bread of truth (the Word) render the bread inedible; even deadly. 

I also think the fact that they were women, represents souls that are very much in need of the word of God, spiritual food for nourishment and regeneration. The truth of the matter is that a leavened or contaminated word, ceases to be the word of God, hinders the work of regeneration and leaves one spiritually dead. 

I just believe there are those who are searching for the word of God, but keep going to the market (the buildings) looking to be fed, but encounter the Pharisees/false teachers who continue to sell that which does not and cannot satisfy. I also believe that what may not have been obvious before is becoming clearer. The mold and the flies were not hidden. They were in plain sight.

Yahushua said, I am the Bread of Life, he who cometh to me shall never hunger; (John 6:35), but the heresy and false doctrines oppose and hinder man from coming to partake; to eat of Him. 

One can't help but be reminded of when Yahushua cleared the temple of the moneychangers. It had become a MARKETplace. After He cleaned house, then those who desired Him were able to come and be healed.

 Matthew 21: 12-14
12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them.

Yesterday and even this morning, I kept pondering over the dream. Just this morning I thought of the ten (10) again and Malachi 3:10 came to mind. Unfortunately as a result of leaven, the context of the scripture has been grossly compromised. 

Mal 3:10a Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house...

The tithe, the ten, the word of God — grain (interchangeably wheat, corn, meat)

Israel metaphorically was an agricultural nation and the symbols of the crops speak to deeper truths.

Meat was FOOD... grain/corn/Wheat and the storehouse was the granary. It was wheat that was garnered and stored. It was from this harvest that the fine flour was processed (sifted) and mixed with oil to make bread (the anointed word of God) and fed to the people.

I also thought again of Joseph in Egypt when the famine was sore (Please read Genesis 41-47). Joseph stored up corn (grain) in the granaries (storehouses) that the people came to purchase. You have to see the spiritual implications. 

Another scripture reference is from Amos. The scripture I wanted to cite is in Amos 8:11.
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.

Please also be reminded that one of God's divine judgments is "FAMINE." See Ezekiel 14:21, Jeremiah 24:10, Revelation 6 :1-6 to cite a few verses.

Final thought: Just this week, the Lord gave me A.S.K. I am still studying it out, because He literally downloaded an entire lesson. I want to share, that He said if we ask for the Holy Spirit, He will give to us that which we ask (Luke 11:13). My prayer is that each of us would do so, so that by the Spirit of TRUTH we may be enlightened.


  1. Hi, Sister...I know from what my pastor shared with us that the Lord revealed to him that the #10 represents "all that man can contain" or "all that man can handle" (God gave mankind 10 fingers)
    so I wonder if that ties in somehow with this dream He gave.. He'll show us!

    1. Hi there, long time... I've never heard that one before. Thanks for sharing!


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