May 30, 2015

This morning while I prepared for prayer, the song "Any Crown" was playing in my spirit, so I went to my ipad and played it and listened.

VISION: I saw myself rejecting, refusing a crown that was offered to me. In the vision it was to my left. I knew it was the crowns offered by the world, easily represented by titles, status, honor and man's acceptance. I appeared to be dressed in a garment that was a bit tattered and worn. This garment could very well represent how we appear to the world, as though we lack luster and are adorned in what appears to be tattered rags. I equate this with the bride and how she appears outwardly to those whose allegiance is still to the ways of the world.

Then Yeshua took my hand and we started to dance. He spun me around and around and the garment I wore transformed in a light and airy, beautiful garment. (I heard, hand spun, woven). I danced and danced seemingly to the song that was playing.

Any Crown by Juanita Bynum

After prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke these words:

"Come, come and receive your crown, beloved. For this day, yes today, this day, I remove the burden of the cross. Lift your wings and fly now, My little, beautiful, butterfly, adorned in colorful cloth, lightweight for the burden of this place is now taken away. 

The anointing of the third day released from My holy heaven. My children, NOW ARISE! There is no more pit or prison that can hold you, for I call to you now. Listen, beloved, listen for the blast, the blare of the trumpet sound and respond to My voice. For truly you shall be with Me in paradise. I have a reception prepared fit for kings and queens. " 

Then my thoughts shifted to the two thieves on the cross and the Holy Spirit responded to that thought. He said, "Yes beloved, like the thief on the cross who looked upon My sacrifice and repented of his way. He understood the covenant for it was within him to know Me."
I thought of the two thieves, one on the right, the other on the left, the sheep and the goats. Both sinners, both transgressors, yet the thief on the right, looked upon the sacrifice of the cross and saw his own depravity and repented of his sin. He lost his life for the reward of life in paradise, while the other held on to his way and refused to be reconciled to the Father through the Son. He mocked the very sacrifice by which his salvation was obtained. 
The Holy Spirit then continued, "ARISE NOW sons of God for just as I am revealed from heaven, so are you revealed in the earth. It is time to take your places and restore dominion. I have released unto you all that is needed. My first election, come. Let's get ready. The time of your debut, your unveiling. 

As the earth shakes and reels and is moved out of its place, you shall assume your positions, your calls to duty. Rank and file, that you shall serve in My holy army. An army of warriors, yet gentle, meek and kind.

Behold, did I not say behold, the bridegroom cometh? Who has hearkened to My call? My bride hath made herself ready and she shall enter in. Look no more upon the former. Look no more upon your now, for ALL, yes ALL is made new. The place prepared is ready. Ah beloved, but so are you. Will you enter into My courts? Will you worship before My throne? Will you bask in the light of My glory? Will you come this day and be made whole? 

Look up, look up, lift your head for your redemption — it is come, says the LORD!"


James 1:12, 2 Timothy 4:8, 1 Corinthians 9:25, 1 Peter 5:4, Isaiah 61:3, 10, Hosea 6:2-3, John 2:1, 1 Corinthians 15:52, Luke 23:43, Revelation 2:7, The two thieves: Luke 23:32-43, Matthew 27:35-44, Mark 15:25-32, John 19:18-27, Matthew 10:38-39, Matthew 16:24-28, Matthew 25:31-46, Isaiah 60:1, Luke 17:26-33, Romans 8:18-19, Isaiah 13:13, 24:19-20, Matthew 25:6, Revelation 19:6-9, Revelation 21:5, John 14:3, John 5:6, Luke 21:28


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