From May 16, 2014

My daughter, the call to awaken has gone forth. I have ushered and orchestrated events to do just that. Yes, I am the Commander-in-chief and I call My army to the front lines to prepare them for service — arrayed and uniformed in My glory. 

This is the day that I have made, let all the earth rejoice and be glad in it. I call upon heaven to bear witness of My obedient ones this day. Your vindication's now, My dear ones for dedicated service to the Lord above, the Father of lights from whom all blessings flow. 

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!"

O' My child, the time My beloveds have waited upon has surely arrived. The smell of victory in the air, hear the battle cry. It is I who shall perform it this day. Hearken unto Me when you hear. I call to My own from on high and they shall answer. I preserved the portion of Myself within them that I now call to. They shall hearken to the voice of their Beloved, for many I sent in to spy out the land, in obscurity, you see. 

You see the injustices performed under the hidden guise of government and the pursuit of happiness that impedes freedom. Even I, beloved, allowed this, now I shall overturn it all. Much mayhem and confusion shall break forth. Many will not understand, but it must be, in order for them to be harvested. If not, they will perish for the land will be left barren and unpopulated. Yes, without Me. 

You see as I have shown you that My people are not to follow the way of the heathen, but lead others to righteousness, and this has not been so. My name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because My children whore with the world and many have abandoned Me. Their choice shall be their course and one without Me leads to utter destruction. 

This is it, beloveds, the fireworks begin. Heaven shall speak and all shall hear. Shakings, awakenings shall ensue. Keep your armor polished and listen, watch for Me. Your redemption comes.

Lord Yahusha


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