source: Creative Swap by Derek Miles Taylor

June 19, 2015

VISION: As I bent down to pray, I saw a vision of the Lord seated before me. He was extremely large in comparison to me, and noticeably so. He sat with His body somewhat askew and His hand on His chin, as though He was contemplating something. 

I asked Him to factor compassion and mercy into what He was contemplating. 

He leaned His entire body forward and His face was directly in front of mine and He said, "Little one, don't you see? My people, My people, they don't love Me. They tempt Me day and night with their wicked and evil hearts. How better than to show them what life would be like without Me."

Immediately, I said, "Father, you can't do that!"

He responded, "Deneen, what else is left? I've given warning, opportunity to come into My presence. Little one, I would help them, even heal them, yet they refuse what I would give. I have the ability to answer their every hearts desire, and amply provide for them, yet they know better than I what is good for them. How many times must I call to them? How many chances must I give? Am I God to strive with them forever, when it is I who sees, who knows all things? 

Beloved, I promised them who are faithful as well, and they too have suffered with My longsuffering. I must still be faithful to them as well."

I began to pray. 

After prayer, He instructed me to share what I saw and share His words: 

"To you O' PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, My cry has gone out across the land. Who has hearkened to My plea, as I pled with you time and time again? My messengers, My faithful ones, they who you mocked and scorned, I gave sight unseen into this time that has now come upon you. You sought to harm them with your evil and perverse manner, yet it will be they who will stand in this hour.

To the LUKEWARM, you sold your garments and the treasures of heaven for a place in the world. Did I not instruct, command you, to come out from among them and be ye separate? Yet you lay down in filth and muddy yourselves and love it to be so.

O' ye BACKSLIDDEN, how long? How long am I, the Great Jehovah, to strive, to contend with your ways? You know My commandments, yet neither attempt to do them, neither are you ashamed. You are given up for a time. Until I see broken hearts and contrition for how you have sinned against your God, you shall be given up. It was not enough that I gave you over to your sin, that you might repent, but you continue on like I am not a God who sees. 

Much will I uncover in this season, even that which you think is hidden. Is it hidden from Me? Your sins have exceeded even that of your forefathers. Sodom and Gommorah would repent before many of you. 

My FAITHFUL AND WISE ONES, I see how you suffer to look upon the lewd acts and unrestrained behavior paraded about. I have not lost sight of you. I have not forgotten nor abandoned you. You shall be My jewels. I shall robe and adorn you, ye who sought after righteousness and kept yourselves from such things. You came and separated yourselves unto Me and I will fill you. Your every need is met in Me. Prepare, for the blanket of darkness is fallen. You shall see, you shall witness the due reward of the wicked. If I not, you will question, "Where is our God?"You have kept your charge, honored My words, both written and spoken to you. 

Now the events unfold, even in greater measure. I have spoken and yet many hath turned a deaf ear. In the places where they adorn My name, wickedness ensues. I tell you, CHURCHES OF MEN, it would have been better for Sodom than you. How is it that you teach My children to sin against their God? Where is healing among you? Why are My children starved by the doctrines you feed them? 

WOE, WOE, to the BLOODY CITY who made spoil of My flock. Now all that you filled your houses with, your filthy lucre and briberies, shall be as spoil. I shall plunder your houses and you shall know that IT IS I WHO HATH DONE THIS. How dare you say that you do these things in My name. You lie, cheat, steal and attribute these things to Me? Your hearts are cold to the people you think to lord over and this is My way?

REPENT, I say and offer Me a sacrifice upon My altar, lest I strike you as I did Nadab and Abihu. REPENT, I say and remember that I AM HOLY, and of you I require the same. You are stricken. The head is sick and many follow. COME OUT, I SAY, COME OUT for the fall is set. 

BABYLON, O' BABYLON, did you not think I would judge you? I am a God of Justice. I am a God of Righteousness. Now I shall act and who shall contend with Me? I have seen all of your wickedness. You sought not to hide. Even that which was done in secret, you now perform in the open. Yet the eyes of the people are so blind that they cannot see. 

My BELOVEDS, I said, I promised to rescue you. I shall keep My words. My advice to you is to come before Me with weeping and lament and rend unto Me your hearts. My mercy is extended, yet it will not look as many of you have been taught.

Behold, I come to shatter every structure built upon fallacy. Behold, I come to retrieve My flock for I will nourish them Myself. I will give them shepherds after My own heart. Yes, they who you mocked and scorned shall carry the words of eternal life, healing waters and streams from them shall flow. 

You are given up, ye WICKED, so REPENT. REPENT and be restored, lest you perish. Many of you are already fallen. Now the outward evidence for what is hidden beneath. Many shall cringe for what they see. This is the time where I require REPENTANCE. Destruction comes, but upon the ruins I shall build and restore the ancient paths. 

Behold, the clock strikes 12 — the Bridegroom cometh. WISE OR FOOLISH — A distinction — says the LORD, Jehovah.


  1. Just read this today and thought of your vision. Not sure if you have any insights?

    1. Michael, I think it says just what it means. The scripture references pretty much support the vision. Keep looking up. Keep your lamp full of oil... I don't know how long, yet I feel it is upon us. Bless you, Brother.


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