from June 6, 2015 — 

Beloved, I want you to come and sit and write My words. 

Hear Me this day. Hear My Righteous Decree. I, the Lord God who sits on the throne in heaven, Creator of ALL things, declare this day that they who have made their abode in Me shall see their inheritance. It is a rich inheritance, goodly things, godly things, the riches of the highest heavens made available this day. 

You have bombarded heaven with My words, My holy writ, words that I cannot dispel and can no longer ignore. I said in My word that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That was written for My nation of kings and priests, a covenant with My sons and daughters. 

Who hath kept the charge of the LORD? Who hath sought My pleasure? I have a few who live faithful unto Me, who truly honor My words. They bring no offense to My holy law, but in love seek to honor Me in the manner I have outlined in My words. They accept that My Son, Yahusha is the Word and live as He lived, uncompromised and in obedience to that which I have given.

But these people despise My covenant, yet desire to be blessed. How is it that such a thing hath entered into their hearts, beloved? Where is the honor due Me as their God? I am no longer their first love. They pay homage to their gods, the gods of wood, hay and stone. Who will say to the rock, cover Me, or what will they do when they find that all they have stored up is as dust? 

I must answer now according to My Righteousness, My Justice. Had they sought Me, the blessings of God would rain down upon them, but because My counsel was rejected, I must now reject them. 

Beloved, those who contend in truth shall have the testimony of the goodness of their God. I make My distinction now. I render My sentences now. The courts of heaven have decided. Reward for some, recompense for others, ordered to commence immediately. 

My sacrifice, My accepted sacrifice is a broken spirit and contrite heart. Put away your briberies. Am I a God who can be bought? Oh foolish ones whose god is money and status, you stand on platforms man hath built and think that I will bow down. You shall now know the God who sits in heaven and I do My pleasure. 

The tables have turned in the favor of the faithful. No longer shall I look upon their tears and not respond. They contend for the promises embedded in the covenant, not vain and empty treasures the world would give. Now you will see why they serve Me. 

Vessels of honor, prepare, for I shall come to thee. I will honor My words for you have let Me reside in the place of prominence in your hearts. No more shall you be as one cast away, for I remember My words. My covenant still stands. 

What was is no longer, what will be is now, says Yahuah. 

Remember, touch not them that are mine, for their desire is their God. Do as they and I will receive you, Cain. Dare not bring offense against them, for it is they who pray for you. 

John 14:23, Proverbs 8:18-21, Psalm 16:5-6, Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, 1Kings 2:43, 1John 5:3, 1John 2:3, Psalm 119:165, John 4:24, John 1:1, 2Kings 17:13-17, Rev 2:4, Ezekiel 20:32, Deuteronomy 4:28, 1 Corinthians 3:12, Luke 7: 30, Isaiah 40:10, Rev 22:12, Psalm 51:17, Deuteronomy 10:16-18, Romans 2:6-16, Psalm 115:2-4, Romans 9:21, 2Timothy 2:20, Psalm 105:7-8, Genesis 4:6-7


  1. All these words are so amazing, uplifting and encouraging. But then they turn out to never come true and get reposted after several years. Are these words for NOW? Or for just some (very far away) future date?

    1. Greetings... please bear in mind that our Father and His words are ETERNAL. He is also longsuffering and gives much time for His children to repent. He doesn't always put a timeline on the words released, but they give hope to they who are watching for Him. What I can say is that they are closer now than ever, and time is expiring quickly. The important aspect of it all is to live as we should to be counted worthy of blessing. Blessings to you...

    2. Thank you for answering. I'm so hoping Jesus comes very soon to redeem me from this terrible evil world. I don't know how long I'm able to bear this extrem pain and torment caused by evil people and a satanic system any more. Be blessed, sister!

    3. Sis, I totally agree with your sentiment. As much as we are warned in scripture about the degree of wickedness that would overtake the land, the reality far exceeds any expectation I had. It's really difficult, yes, I guess that's why Yahusha cautioned us to endure. Hang in there... What I will say is that I've been instructed not to share any more posts. Maybe that speaks to the time being more NOW than very far away. May God's peace be with you.

  2. Thank you so much for your reply. Much love to you and many blessings.


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