June 18, 2015 

The mighty hand of God is surely raised this day to smite every enemy who has come against His people. Beloved, I Am still the I Am that I Am.


My people perish for lack of knowledge, but now I release truth and wisdom from on high that shall pierce and shatter every lie, and for them who sought freedom, now is the time. Rise up all ye people of God. It is time to ascend to the places of destiny, assigned to each, in whom I purposed long ago. Before you were formed, before you were born, I had sealed you in My purpose. Now is the time for the purposes under heaven and we approach a significant hour. 

Come before Me, My people and contend for My words over your life. I have given you power to overcome. Now ARISE. Am I not the resurrection and the life? Them that are Mine, in Me, too shall arise — power, resurrection power from on high. I know the battles have been fierce, yet they have produced in you that which is needed to serve Me in these crucial end times. 

I promised to pour out My Spirit, for I desire to inhabit, live within and amongst My people once again, that My glory may be tangible in all the earth. For them who made Me Lord, I shall be lifted up and draw men once again. 

Be still and know that I am God. I shall now perform My good word to you. I shall come and rescue you. I shall return the captivity and set the captives free. Come now and bow down and worship Me. Put away your revelings and take your place before your King. Am I not He who promised? My word, My every word shall be fulfilled. 

Yes, the enemy has had his time, but who is he in light of the Great I Am? Come now gather round for you shall surely see My display, My glory. Look from heaven's perspective and know that this is the time long spoken of. 

Behold, the King of glory in all His majesty. I shall be seen in a people. My brilliance shall shine in thee. In the darkest hour, light shines its brightest. Come My beacons and be set ablaze. There is much to do, for there is a people who long for Me and I will make Myself known to them. 

Can I use you? Will you report for duty? 

Prepare, for the time of visitation is come. The kingdom of God and His Christ is at hand. The former no longer, the new emerges. O Zion, My watered land, for you shall yield your fruit. Barren is she no longer, but My beautiful bough. Green, green pastures, where the still waters flow. 

Come My beloveds and enter into your rest. 

Psalm 68:1, Hosea 4:6, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61, Ephesians 1:4-5, 1 Peter 2:9, John 11:25, Romans 8:10-11, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, Exodus 25:8, Psalm 132:13-14, 1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, Revelation 21:3, John 12:32, Psalm 46:10, Isaiah 43, Psalm 126, John 4:24, Romans 13:11-14, Habakkuk 2:14, John 1:5, Isaiah 6:8, Revelation 12:10-11, Revelation 21:5, Isaiah 54, Psalm 23:2, Hebrews 4:3,10


  1. Oh who can resist Him?? I want to go now!😀
    What an amazing, love filled message. Thanks for sharing this!


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