November 4, 2015

This is the day of demonstration of My love. You called upon His name. The name of the Mighty Jehovah. Be still your heart and receive all He has given. Your choice to follow Him hath yielded great results — abundant harvest. You set your affections on things above, even when you hurt, suffer, you return to the place of peace, rest and comfort. 

They that wait upon the Lord — their strength is renewed. Come now, little one, all awaits you. A feast prepared — fit for a royal house. The harvest is plentiful, now the workers report for duty. I am pleased with My faithful few. Though small in number, mighty in demonstration. The greater works shall follow them — TRUE and authentic signs and wonders. The glory of God shall be revealed through them. They are trustworthy. They will not warp my gifts nor sell them for fools gold. So, behold. 

Enter in, My friend, enter in. Now for you is the joy of the LORD. The lessons learned in the valley, the pit and the prison hath prepared you for this place. Retain all you've learned and now I shall ADD, ADD, ADD to it My blessedness. You are a star in My firmament. Come and let me dress you in light, in My glory. 

My will be done, says Jehovah. My kingdom come. The earth now filled with My glory. My glory now revealed through My sons and daughters. ARISE, ARISE, ARISE! This is the time, the hour to SHINE, says Jehovah your LORD. 

Awaken thou that sleepest, for Christ shall give thee light. The blind in Me shall see again. My glory shall pierce the darkness. My readied ones cry out. I hearken unto them this day. I honor the voice of them who call upon My name. 

JEHOVAH, they say and in their hearts they know Me as YHWH, their LORD, their Redeemer. My answer is yes, and yes again My friends. Stand fast and look upon your King for He shall answer, says JEHOVAH, the GREAT I AM!


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