From August 22, 2013 —

Was singing...
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, 
calling for you and for me; 
see, on the portals he's waiting and watching, 
watching for you and for me. 

Come home, come home; 
ye who are weary come home; 
earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling, 
calling, O sinner, come home! 


"Come, I am calling them to come. Write My words.

Come unto Me all ye who are heavy laden, for I AM your Rest. I AM your Salvation. 

All there is and ever will be is found in Me. Yes, softly and tenderly I call to My beloveds. Come in, enter in. To all ye who labor, to all ye who are weary, to all ye who mourn, 

I AM your Comfort. 

I AM your Rest.

Today is the day of salvation. Wait no longer. My loving arms are extended to receive each of My children, for you are My beloveds and I am yours. 

When I walked the earth, I sought out the sick, the needy, the drown trodden, the sinner, the lost. My offer of salvation is still extended. Come to Me NOW, My little ones. Enter into the fold, NOW, My children. 

I AM your Protection. 

I AM your Hope. 

I AM your Refuge.
I AM your Deliverer. 

I AM your Strong Tower. 

I AM your Source of Life. 

Outside of Me there is danger and peril. 

Come NOW and run to safety in the arms, the open arms of your Beloved. What is ahead is too much to bear. Outside of Me there is no protection, there is no provision. For night comes and darkness shall enter the land. 

Come and bask in My warmth, in the light of My love for each and every one of My children. It matters not what you think you've done. I've already received you. Won't you come?

My shed blood on Calvary has already paid your penalty. Won't you come, come and be healed, be made whole in Me today? I will not turn you away. My way is not the way of the world, for I've already forgiven you. My blood on the cross is evidence, and full payment. 

I come to restore you. Make a decision today. Will thou be made whole? 

REPENT, turn to Me this day and GO AND SIN NO MORE.

I am calling My children to return to Me this day. I am the ONLY Way. My Way is sure. Choose life this day, for I AM the Resurrection and the Life. Both are in Me, and in they who come to Me. 

Be not afraid, for I will not reject a humble and sincere heart. Be found new in Me this day, THIS day, while there is still time, THIS day. Do not delay. 

Just Come."

Your Saviour and soon coming King — Jesus!

Matthew 11:28, John 10:27-28, Matthew 5 (the Beatitudes), 2 Cor 6:2, Isaiah 49:8, Isaiah 60:1-2, Romans 5:8-11, John 5:6, Acts 3:19, John 11:25, Ps 34:17-19


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