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September 10, 2017

My daughter, My name is hallowed with thee. My kingdom NOW come, My will NOW be done; complete on earth as it is in heaven. 

Hearken, my sweet daughter of grace. Let me wipe and wash every tear from your face; let me erase the trauma endured for all you gave. In exchange for your sacrifice, I give new life everlasting in Me, Amen. The end of suffering and sorrow brings fulfillment — every dream and vision and desire accounted for. 
Shall I, who am Just punish the faithful with the wicked? Surely not, for few gave what they would not. For many, I placed in their hand what would satisfy the need of another, then I peered at their heart and saddened, for what I put in their possession revealed the content of what lies within and what I saw I hoped longsuffering would resolve. Yet, I knew before it began that it would not. I know it doesn't make logical sense, beloved, but where there is good so is evil and where wrong resides so the opportunity to do what is good. Now many shall endure the result of each decision.

You spoke of Cain and Abel and in the process of time. That time is come and it shall not pass by, for I knew them aforetime. Abel, My son; his blood and the blood of all Abels cry out, and the hands of the guilty still filled with blood seek to call upon Me at their convenience. I can no longer, beloved, ignore the shrill of they who gave it all. 

My altar, filled with all sorts of things, but the faithful, a sweet, sweet aroma of a laid down life. You plead a good case for it is not a light matter — one who would say yes, beloved. Now I must bring judgment and they who transgress will think it unfair, unjust. 

Is it a light matter to disobey the LORD thy God (YAHUAH ELOHIM)? Did I not teach in My torah not to defraud they brother? Did I not speak of the hand of the oppressor; that I would smite with My wrath? False balances? Unjust weights? Did I not ask — insist upon the charge of the poor and those in need, the fatherless and the widow? Ironically, they try and care for each other, but the wicked at heart looked on in amusement for they thought somehow they had gained advantage over them and I  somehow missed how they put their foot on their neck to keep them held down. 

Now I release the sound and My own will know it. Now they shall be the head and you the tail o' wicked ones whose hearts wax colder and colder. See if you can shoulder the consequence of your ways, for it was you who put weight on their crosses already difficult to bear. Now, for how you treated them I cannot look away. 

Beloved daughter, surely have I not forgotten nor lost one tear you shed. I will burden thee no longer and life anew shall you spy from the place set apart, preserved for them who keep My holy law and live in covenant with Me, YAHUAH Most Holy, through TRUE belief in My Son Yahushua HaMaschiach. The Ruach shall blow and carry you there. Just wait and see what I kept in store. The days of lonliness and sadness no more for My own wounded in the house of friends, but I am your Healer. 

Come, enter in. The storm a-brewing shall now bring its devastation and they who turned My own away; turned away from Me, shall either repent and turn with their whole heart or perish. Now the choice still abounds — the opportunity AGAIN to do good or evil, life or death, eternal blessings or temporal curses. Will they choose Me or their stuff? 

It's all on display now. I have spoken, says YAHUAH! Now mock Me, says God.

My children weep for your atrocities. You see their light and try to emulate it to gain, but you fail to understand that it is not obtained by outward and feigned gestures, but the way of a laid down life — THE WAY OF CALVARY, the cross of Christ. Holdfast NOW to your belongings while they will not save you in the day of calamity. Your silver and gold are worthless against the wrath of the Almighty. It is truly a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohim. 

REPENT, I say, THIS DAY, for that is the ONLY option. Take up the way of the cross and then I may receive you. Put away your idols of wood and stone for they are powerless to save you. Only unto My Son has salvation been given — the power to save — but yet you say with your mouths that you believe on Him, but fail to do what He says. How absurd! Hypocrites! He is the embodiment of the law and the prophets. He didn't replace them, but fulfilled ALL. To be like Him — is the blessed hope — and HE is the PERFECT example. Now He shall judge and dare any say He is unjust in any way. 

I am the LORD thy God, YAHUAH ELOHIM is my name and I have the final say, says the LORD!


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