April 8, 2021  

I want you to know this and to readily understand that the days of wooing and pleading and warning of this people have ended. The time of the release and administering of the consequences for each man is come. You spoke rightly this morning of all the iniquity and how they are comfortable to transgress against Me. 

Now they will know that their excuses are unfounded and the malice they’ve held fast to toward Me and toward My beloveds are counted as infractions against Me. In sinning against My beloveds, they have sinned against Me; in touching My anointed, I take it personally; in hindering My work, how dare thee?  

I hope they enjoyed the time they used to ignore what I put before them, and now are able to deal with the consequences brought forth. So, beloved, the sentences shall be meted in demonstration, and I will dote on they who have been treated with violence and injustice. 

It is a new day; a day called the day of Yahuah and I am now come down to deal with all this foolish mess before Me; all this mess in My house and DONE IN MY NAME. 

I have held back longer than I should have, but My mercy compelled Me to act in restraint, but so many failed to restrain from their sin, so as their Father and as God Almighty, I must now act accordingly. To them who are Mine, repent; to they who are not, you can’t, but know a vessel of wrath is still mete for the Father’s good use. I am YAHUAH, and I will do what is consistent with My name. For they who know Me call upon Me and I will not turn aside this time. 

 Prepare, little one, for swift judgment has arrived, and it will be obvious who sent it this time, says YAHUAH Elohim.


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