Get In Position: The Posture of Obedience

Since the beginning of time God has attempted to get us to understand the importance and benefits of obedience. If we revisit Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, all God required was that they obey Him. Just like Adam and Eve, the same holds true for us today. Access to living blessed starts and ends with a posture, a stance of obedience.

Be reminded that the first act of disobedience, and how we chose to live outside of that which God ordained for our lives, took place in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Progressively as we move through the bible, we have consistently displayed a posture of blatant disobedience unto God and have reaped the consequences of such.

Eden was the first promise land. The reference(s) to Eden is not necessarily to focus on the garden aspect of it, but what it represents metaphorically… Eden was a place of beauty, life, and abundance. God is fervently trying to get us back to Eden, that place in Him, that place that says we can live blessed; where He is our beginning, our source, our supply, our sustenance, our provision, and our protection. Where we can live better than we can ever imagine.

What I really want to emphasize is that the same premise holds true today. God is calling us to obedience, to holiness, to godly living.

If you back-track to the time of Moses, when we were in the wilderness, we witnessed God’s awesome evidence of power and love for us when He heard our cries and delivered us from bondage in Egypt yet we were still disobedient and as a result, forfeited the land of milk and honey… the promise land.

In His word, God tells us that if we obey his teaching and instruction that we can live blessed.

Obedience is access, proper posture and positioning to the things of God; the things God said we can have, who God said we can be and where God said we can go. We often sing or say “God’s Will Is What I Want for My Life”, yet we want to do what we want to do; not seriously considering that doing so, positions us outside the will of God.

Let’s “Get in Position” and do what it is that God is calling us to do. The first 5 books of the bible, properly coined in Hebrew as “Torah” or in Greek as the “Pentateuch” is where God’s teaching and instruction resides, and teaches us how to live blessed. We can’t effectively live according to how God said we can live doing what we want to do. Yes, God extends us grace, and we know that grace’s partner is mercy, and yes, He’s a loving and forgiving God, but also let us remain aware that He is also a God of wrath and judgment.

While in the wilderness, the children of Israel were blessed, but they were far outside of God’s best. They had what they needed to sustain them in the wilderness -- food, shelter, clothing, and all they needed to survive in the wilderness. But, the promise… was within their eyesight, yet they forfeited because of their disobedience.

I employ you at this time, in this hour, in this season, to get in position and honor the call to obedience, to holiness and godly living.

The question I pose is “How do we think we can obtain the things of God, and not live according to His teaching and instruction?" The best from God comes from being obedient. His will is a direct call to obedience. If we are obedient to his teaching and instruction, then we operate within His will and better position ourselves for the best and the greatest from God. If we choose to be disobedient and live outside of the will of God, we put ourselves in potential danger; creating avenues for the enemy to get into our lives and begin to reign. We enter into sin, and sin abounds… potentially unto death. The bible says that rebellion is as witchcraft. Blatant disobedience is sheer rebellion of the teaching and instructions set forth in the word of God.

I charge you to read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. This segment of scripture tells us how to live blessed. Be sure to meditate on verse one, which speaks to obedience. God has conditions for us to live blessed. Nowhere does it says in Deut. 28:1-14 that we can live any kind of way and still live blessed. If you drop down to v. 15-64, the consequence of disobedience is outlined in the same chapter. There are 14 verses on how to live blessed but 49 verses that unveil the curses we live under if we chose to be disobedient.

Obedience is a choice… God gives us free will... Yes, to obey Him or disobey Him. I employ you to pray and ask God to grant unto you a spirit of obedience. The enemy is cunning, subtle, sneaky and slick. A liar, deceiver... father of lies.

So I charge you to live according to the teaching and instruction provided by God himself, He is then bound by His word to keep us and deliver from the hand of the enemy. The devil, who is the accuser of the brethren, has no respect for people who live in disobedience -- congregating together using church speak and catch phrases, rendering the appearance of righteousness, with motives and agendas that have nothing to do with God; talking the talk, but not walking the walk; deceiving ourselves and potentially others while usurping the opportunity for healing and deliverance... 

Obedience = Access; a VIP pass to the blessings of God. Disobedience (including partial obedience) invites curses into our lives and the lives of those attached to us.

Is it easy? Not always... but His grace is sufficient! However, it’s necessary to be in a position of submission, fully surrendered and compliant to the will, the way and the word of God. Access to that which God has assigned as our portion, our lot, our inheritance is contingent upon obedience.

Another call to obedience is the very first commandment of God: “I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me”. Idolatry and pagan worship is also disobedient unto God; again we can revisit the children of Israel; and just like them, in this day and time, people are worshiping things, man, money, status, position and the like. Our worship, because God is truly worthy of our expression of love, should be directed unto Him. Are any of those things worth compromising eternity with Him?

I sincerely hope that this presents a heightened level of awareness as it pertains to where we need to be and what we need to be setting our sights upon.

Check your posture, your position and your priorities. If what you do is to the glory of man, you can’t expect to get the best from God. God seeks and deserves all of our honor, our glory and our praise.

Walking, Talking and Being ALL that God has said I can be.

Obediently yours,
A Woman Assigned.

Take the Obedience Quiz


  1. Explosive! I have received this. God is on assignment to allow us to flow His message or Word to the masses. Wow, this reminds of the book I am working on now called "Desire at Will" to surrender our lives over to God. Not an easy task, but it takes a desire to do it.

    Adrienna Turner, author of "The Day Begins with Christ"


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