Anecdote to Selfishness >> Service

Hello Everyone, Someone, Anyone,

Today is Magnificent Monday, and I want to express the immeasurable amount of gratitude in my attitude.

Blog topic: Anecdote to Selfishness >> Service

Yesterday, God provided me with an opportunity to participate in an awesome display of service. Myself, along with an awesome group of women, prepared and served dinner to the women and children at the Wheeler Women's and Children Shelter.

Just like God, the day flowed according to His divine direction. For morning service, I participated in the third of a teaching series on Grace, with yesterday's focus on "Contentment"... how to be "content" in the midst of our circumstances. The point of the teaching was to remind us that God's grace is more than enough.

After service, I accompanied a dear friend of mine, indeed one of God's angels, to the shelter, where we prepared dinner that we would serve to the residents as well as those from the outside who required a meal. The group of women who came to serve was small in number but huge in their genuine willingness to serve. Donations of food and paper goods were delivered in order to aid with this venture.

As we prepared to receive the women and children, my mind wandered back to some of the dark places in my own life and how God was with me, how He kept me and provided for me even in the midst of the worst of circumstances. How He extended His hand in my time of trouble, in the midst of unattractive circumstances, when others had counted me out, when people snubbed their noses up at me without knowing anything about me.

One of the former residents, who is now employed by the shelter shared her testimony and it was indeed evidence that we serve a capable and able God. I thought about how we often get so wrapped with our own personal trials that we so quickly forget that there are those whose struggles far exceed and go beyond what we can even conceive. How dare us that we can so easily live in a constant state of forgetfulness about how much God has done, and how far He has brought us. I can only speak for myself, but it took a move of God to "snatch" me from the hands of the enemy whose plan was to literally destroy me.

My own personal journey has repeated evidence of the grace of God, and although every I is not dotted and not every T is crossed, I am much more than I ever thought I would be, and looking forward to what's still in store.

As we prayed and sang songs and gave honor to God, it was obvious to me that many in the room, knew the God we called upon in prayer and sang about in song. So I say this to the women and children we encountered:

May God be with you continually. Success in not measured by your current circumstance, your current trials or situations. Success is marked by endurance. For the race is not given to the swift, nor the battle to the sure; but to the one who endures to the end.

I personally thank each and every one of you for allowing us to serve you. Know that those who labored among you took great pleasure in the opportunity to fellowship with you. You blessed us with your presence.

Know that though the clouds seem to hang low, if you keep looking up toward heaven, the clouds will give way to sunlight, and it will light your path. Don't give up. Don't give in... just hold on. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning.

Graciously yours,
A Woman Assigned!


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