Still On Assigment...

Hello Everybody, Somebody, Anybody,

Today is Soul Saturday and as I reflect over the past few months, while silent, much has taken place. Transition, metamorphosis, maturing, refining, and growing. Allowing God to remove the dross, the impurities so that His refined product shall come forth.

Proverbs 25: 4 states: "Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer."

Though we are not always "comfortable" while being readied for our assignments, the results are indeed the perfect work of the Master. Although the process is never ending, when you begin to see the evidence of what's emerging, we have to acknowledge His handiwork in our lives. He deserves all the glory, the honor and the praise.

I don't know about you, but I know where He's brought me from and I am evidence of what He will do when you commit your way to His way and submit your will to His will. Let us not despise our beginnings, for the "end of a matter is better than the beginning."~Ecclesiastes 7:8.

Stay on assignment, embrace the process; endure to see what the end will be!

If for some reason you have veered from the plan, get back on course, it's not too late. REPENT! Do a 180 degree turn and get back in position. Don't let the enemy or your own ambitions rob you of what God has for you. His love will cover you; it's the enemy's' desire to expose you in your sin.

Though it is God's desire to bestow upon His beloved His very best, we have the FREE will to choose. What will you choose? To have a guarantee with God in His presence benefiting from His very best in His "perfect" will or a happenstance chance absent from His presence and in His permissive will?

In closing, let's remember 1Timothy 6:12, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

A Woman Assigned
Chosen. Called. Purposed. Ready.

NOTE: Be sure to check out the new poetry in motion, entitled "I See."


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