The End of a Year and the Close of a Decade

This is a portion of a conversation, I had with a dear friend of mine as we exchanged emails this morning in reflection of this past year. It was her suggestion that I post it. I hope these words bless yet another and this action ties in with what I want my life to be in the days, months and years to come. It is my desire that my life experience, and my testimony will transform into motivations for change in the life of others...

In reflection...

Aren't you glad that He's a God who opens doors that NO MAN can shut and closes doors that NO MAN can open. They are open doors of access for opportunity or doors of destruction closed for our protection.

Don't look at what we've lost, let's look at what we stand to gain as a result of our losses. I've lost so called friends, abusive relationships, people who weigh you down, negative conversationalists, gifts with strings attached, and I've gained my freedom in Christ, a new perspective, a greater appreciation for what I do have and an opportunity to become all that I'm missing.

What a wonderful exchange. Jesus said that NO MAN can take my life, for I lay it down. We can't love our lives so much, because the bible says we then lose it, but if we lay it down for Christ we gain eternity in Him and with Him. I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I chose Christ. He has made all the difference in the world.

In closing...

The best days of our lives lie ahead of us. The bible says in Hebrews: 12:1-2... let us lay aside EVERY weight and sin that so easily besets us and run with patience this race that is set before us; looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." We can't take the old stuff into the new place!

It will take faith, mixed with obedience, and endurance to finish... so join me as we "press toward the mark for the prize of the high call of God in Christ Jesus" Ph: 3:14

May God's favor and blessings pursue you and run you over in this New Year~

Expectingly yours,
A Woman Assigned


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