His Still Small Voice: Words from the LORD

From August 16, 2012
Concluded at 8:45 am

"I shall tear down to build up. I shall destroy to restore. Who can know the power of the Living God? Man can't see beyond their wickedness; sold out to a system that only knows to betray. Betrayed in their own thinking; that their ways go unseen by Me. What does one do with a disobedient child? You spank it! So shall it be among the kingdoms of men. They shall be chastised in this hour for their blatant disobedience against My ways, My instructions, says the LORD.

How greatly I esteem my creation, yet their allegiance is not to me but to My adversary, their adversary; for I have an enemy who is satan who desires to destroy the Me in you, so that you will look like him. The hour is late and there is no more time. My season of feasts are upon you. And to ensure that you don't miss your appointment, I must move now and lead you. Hold on, hold fast for much shall be accomplished quickly.

I am God, Creator of heaven and earth. There is none like Me. Man made structures shall topple on its side; kingdoms of men shall fall and be utterly destroyed. For I am the LORD and I come to heal, deliver and destroy that which has held my children captive. It's time to set the captives free, free to choose to worship Me. Choose wisely, for you will know that it is I who rescued you. Stay faithful to the One who is Faithful to you; for if you turn away, you will be lost forever.

Hear the trumpets, the sound of the shofar. Awaken and arise for your Light has come and My glory shall be lifted upon you. Shine forth as the Light and draw others and lead them to Me. Let the kingdom reside in you and it shall increase in great measure. Go now, go ye therefore and make disciples of all men. Teach them My ways. Share My gospel, the good news. For I have come and I make ready to come again, and I will judge the living and the dead. It shall be according to what you say. Let your nay be nay and your yeah be yeah. The time is at hand. The hour is now. There's no more time to waste. Play time is over as the clock strikes 12 — Midnight!

O come, come to the well where the refreshing begins. Come and drink of the waters that bring healing. Come and be made whole. Will thou be made whole in Me? Perfect and complete? Make ready to do My will; what I have purposed for you."

Scripture references: Hebrews 12:5-11, Proverbs 3:11-12, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 61:1, Isaiah 60:1, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15, 2 Timothy 4:1,  John 5:6, Galatians 3:1-3


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