From August 25, 2012

This is the time of reckoning. All shall be accomplished swiftly. The time is now to come and be filled. Great calamity is on the horizon and many are not prepared for what is to come.

Shall I not bless my faithful ones? Those who have believed and remained true to their God?

The hour is now, yet I will still receive those who come in repentance, true and sincere repentance. No longer shall I tarry for there is much to be done in the kingdom. My order shall commence with the destruction of all kingdoms that are not of Me.
Man has corrupted themselves and led others into corruption with false teachings and demonic doctrine. Now the truth of My word shall stand. This is the hour of great upheaval. The world will not know it because they have greatly underestimated their God. For I am a consuming fire and flesh cannot reside in my presence.

Come and be cleansed of your filth and wickedness while mercy is still available. I am tired and will no longer tolerate the open abominations that are practiced amongst My people; and they say it is in My Name that they do these things.

I shall shut the mouths of those who lie and blaspheme My Name. For I am holy and I change not. I will no longer be used as a tool to deceive and elevate themselves. I sit at the highest pinnacle and I oversee all things. Nothing is out of My control. I'm STILL Sovereign!

My will and purposes must be carried out for the end is near. It will be likened unto the days of Noah, for many go about doing all they desire with no thought of Me or My will for their lives.

I stand at the door, I knock; who shall answer? The clarion call has gone out. The harvest is set. Where are the harvesters, the laborers?

Behold, I come to do a new thing in the earth. Who can perceive it, says the LORD?

Scriptures: Deuteronomy 32 (Song of Moses, focus on verse 35), Matthew 25: 19-21, Matthew 3:2, Jude 1:10-11, Deuteronomy 4:23-24, Malachi 3:6, Matthew 24:37-39, Revelation 3:20, Matthew 9:37-38, Isaiah 43:19


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