TRADITIONS! Why We Do What We Do


I'm sure this won't be a popular post, but the popularity meter went to an all time low with my first "yes" to the Lord and decreases with every subsequent "yes." A little more than a year ago, the LORD began to open my eyes to the origins of holidays and traditions and indeed it was an eye opening experience to find out that most of what we celebrate has origins in paganism and it's implementations into Christianity originate with Rome.

Needless to say, I no longer keep man's traditions and began to study out God's holy feast days in the bible... Enlightening! However, I failed to include birthdays in my research and just last night ran across a video that set me to begin to look more closely at that tradition. I had to repent even in my ignorance, especially since I just celebrated a birthday.

As I continue on this journey, I understand that the road is narrow and gets narrower as so much more is revealed. Choosing to do it God's way has meant walking away from much, but oh how much more I've gained. I find that we love our traditions and hold fast to "we've always done it that way," and will go to great lengths to protect them, but do the scriptures and the patterns set forth in the bible agree? 

A three part teaching:


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