His Still Small Voice: Words from the LORD — Sept 27, 2012 (REPOST)

Tell My children to arise to the places where I have called them to. Destiny awaits. No longer will they be held captive, but set free to worship Me. I am in your midst working behind the scenes to bring you to the places I have prepared for you, even before the foundations of the earth were formed.

Didn't I say that I knew you, before you were formed in your mother's womb and I called you for a specific purpose; for such a time as this? Many of you thought you knew what was best for you, but now understand that My way is the more excellent way.

Gird yourselves with My truth. It will carry you. It will arm you. It will protect you. This is the time we've all earnestly awaited; the time when My plans and purposes unfold in your lives. The time when I keep My promises to My faithful ones; to those who have endured even when all hell seemed to come against them; even when the warfare was extreme, even when they felt like throwing in the towel, they stood on My every word.

So shall it be according to the measure of your faith. Be sure that your words line up with what I've said to you, for you shall have what you say, declares the LORD.

Scriptures:  Isaiah 60:1, Exodus 9:1, Ephesians 1:3-6, Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 6:14


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