HIS STILL SMALL VOICE: Words from the Lord (9/29/2012)

From September 29, 2012

Tell My children that I am come and I am in their midst. I will interrupt their regularly scheduled programming to speak My plans and purposes; My agenda, says the LORD.

Those who heed my voice in this hour, shall know the blessings of obedience, but those who persist in rebellion will know the consequences of such.

Expect visitations as we move beyond the now into the new. It is imperative to follow my commands and remain on the course that I have set for you. I know that many have become weary in the waiting, but didn't I say that they that wait upon Me shall renew their strength? I am the God who will cause you to rise above your circumstances. Remember that you are seated in heavenly places, and that positions you in Me, so get ready to soar.

Many have already fallen away from the truth. There will be opportunity to return and recover right relationship with Me. In that, there is safety. Don't choose to live outside of Me, My precious ones, for the hour of trouble is at hand. Come into the Ark of preservation; come and be set free of the bondages of this world and renewed in Me. I call to My children to come and be gathered unto Me. It's a new season, it's a new day [heard the song]. The old will not work in the new.

Promotion comes from the Lord, so come and demote yourselves so that I may exalt you. The humble shall receive greatly of Me, but I am still the God who resists the proud. Lay down your ways and receive of Me; My purposes and plans. Walk according to My paths. Put off corruption and put on righteousness. Become one with Me. I cannot reside in vessels of defilement, but a willing vessel I will cleanse for My use.

Abandon these old mindsets and come and learn of My thoughts concerning you. Embrace this new season. Come with a heart of repentance and have your slate wiped clean. I am a merciful God and extend My love to those who will receive of Me in this hour.

I speak of these things because I know what's best for My children. Bear it all before Me, I know of it anyway, for nothing is hidden from an Omniscient God. I will honor those who will repent in this hour and remove every offense. Haven't you desired a fresh start, a clean break? Find it now in Me, while there is great mercy.

I extend the invitation to come to Me. My heart pleads with you to come, for I know what lies ahead. Hear my voice and let it lead you to the plush pastures only I can give. My sheep—hear My voice; heed My call. Your loving Father awaits. Please don't tarry. The time is NOW!

Will you come out from among them and be separate to Me; available for My use? For I still desire a willing sacrifice. I force no one. Won't you come? Come and be washed? Come and be cleansed? Come and be made new; be transformed, says the LORD.

Scripture References:
Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, Isaiah 40:31, Ephesians 2:6, 2Thessalonians 2:1-3, 1Timothy 4:1, Psalm 75:6-7, James 4:6, Psalm 37:11, Matthew 5:5, 1 Corinthians 15:50, Ephesians 4:22-24, Psalm 51, Psalm 23:1-3, John 10:27, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18


  1. This Word came right on time for me. It brought Light to me when I truly needed it. Thank You Lord Jesus.


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