October 4, 2012

My daughter, My Body has already received instruction as to what is required of them in this hour. All are presented with a choice to make and it is not a time to tarry. My word says, "Choose this day whom you shall serve."

Many want to teeter between two opinions, but the time of double-mindedness and double living has ended. There is much to do in My kingdom and a great harvest of My souls, so I call to the laborers in this hour to make ready. I will call to My chosen and give direction for the way they should take to accomplish my goals, my plans, says the LORD.

Restoration has come and change is here. Nothing shall remain as it was. Those who attempt to hold fast to religious mindsets and traditions of men will find themselves lost in the midst of this great transition. I am the potter, thou art the clay and I am reshaping and remolding and restructuring many in this hour to pour into the molds that I have originally designed and destined for them. Much will happen suddenly and immediately change will be upon you.

Be diligent to obey the commands I have already given you, and seek Me for next steps. Don't tarry, for I will not, says the LORD. Many have sought Me and pray, "My Kingdom come." Well, the answer to those prayers are before you. Who can perceive it? I come with great reward for My children who have labored and fought to remain upright and in good standing before Me. I come with correction for those who will heed a loving word of rebuke, for My mercy is available to you. And I come to remove that which will not heed My instruction and follow My way. No longer will My children be oppressed by systems that continue to operate with motives of greed and plans that oppose My will, My agenda.

These are the end times and the focus is the reaping of My harvest of souls. Yes, resources will be released, but be sure to seek Me for their use. Many of My children are crying out to Me and I have heard and now I answer. Prepare for what is ahead and don't look back. For anyone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of My kingdom.

In the midst of upheavals and renovations, will be great surprises of great blessing. I am come and am in the midst of My children to deliver, punish and restore. Be expectant My dear and precious ones, for your loving Father shall perform all He has spoken. I know it seems like you've waited for an eternity, but eternity begins and ends with Me, and you shall be pleased with My grand display. For I am jealous for My children and our time is at hand. I desire your attention. I desire your affections. Come in intimacy and receive of Me, for I am your Father and I love you.

Scriptures: Joshua 24:15, 1Kings 18:21, James 1:8, Matthew 9:37-38. Isaiah 43:18-19, Revelation 21:5, 2Cor 5:17, Jeremiah 18:6, Matthew 6:10, Matthew 16:27, Hebrews 12:5, Proverbs 3:11-12, Malachi 3:5-6,  Luke 9:62, Deuteronomy 6:15


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