From October 13, 2012

The time of reckoning is now here, says the LORD. I have spoken, I have warned, I have made preparation; now demonstration of My power, of My might shall be made manifest this day. I come to rescue My children, My precious ones from the systems of this world that hinder their way in Me. Just like in the days of Moses, I move mightily to deliver My children from the hands of the oppressor. My judgments shall commence and in the midst of great upheaval shall come great deliverance.
Position yourselves in Me now My children, gird yourselves for this time must come; then restoration. If I don't rescue My children then they will perish, as many wander aimlessly about into unchartered territories that breed destruction of their souls; unaware of the eternal fate of such — death; a death that breeds absence from Me.

I have prepared My chosen for this time; to receive those whom I will send to you in this hour. Be the display of My love, share the Me on the inside of you with them. I bring this upheaval because of My love for My children and many don't understand that they are in danger of being apart from Me, and it is never My desire for any of My children to perish, for I am their eternal reward if they would but follow after Me and keep My words. The deceptions of the kingdoms of this world, yes, even in My church war against the worship, the true worship by My Spirit that I require. So, as a loving Father, I come to the rescue, to the aid of My children in this hour.

The time is late and the hour is far spent and the cries of My children are ever before Me. There are those, even My hidden ones who cry out and intercede for the brethren and their prayers I will now honor. Hold fast, My children for your deliverance is nigh. Much will be uncovered, much will be revealed. Through great exposure shall many be set free, for without it the lies and hidden agendas will continue to be stumbling blocks and hindrances to My way. It is not wise to oppose the living God, yet many are deceived to think their way successful void of Me. My way is perfect and the benefit great.

My will shall be performed now My children, My order shall be erected from what may appear as ruin. Lift up your eyes and fix them upon Me and your way shall be made known. For I not come to destroy, but to set free and reposition in Me. For this is the worst of times for some and the best of times for others.

My hand is upon the land and My judgments have commenced. Be found in Me in this hour, My children. Be found by Me in this hour, My children. Run to Me in this hour My children, for I alone am your safety; your provision.

Scripture References: Exodus 6:6, Luke 18:7, 2Peter 3:9, Proverbs 8:32, John 4:21-23, Exodus 3:9, Luke 21:28, Hebrews 10:31, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Matthew 6:10


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