His Still Small Voice — September 13, 2012

September 13, 2012
Come and drink, My children. Come and be purged of all your guilt and stains. Come to the refreshing springs of life giving waters that My Spirit brings. For you shall not be disappointed. I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Step away from the cares and worries of this world. That which you've grown accustomed to shall be no longer. Everything will change; everything must change as My kingdom is being ushered in. 

Who will go for Me in this new season? Who will keep my words that I spoke to "Go ye therefore and preach the gospel to all mankind?" Who shall I send? Many are lost; even within My church. Many seek the world for answers only I can give. The world was My creation not vice versa, yet carnality has guided My children into only a fleshly understanding of who they think I am. 

I Am the Great I Am; and I come to retrieve and restore those who are Mine. There shall be restoration through the coming of My kingdom and there will be no question as to Who has done this. My will shall now come forth by My Spirit and the carriers of My Spirit; in great force; in great measure. The light of My prepared ones shall shine brightly amongst the ruins of man made structures, man made kingdoms which shall be made rubble with My coming. I shall wipe the threshing floors clean and My harvest shall be gathered. 

I extend the invitation again to you, My precious ones. Come and be cleansed. Come and be healed. Come and be made whole in Me. Come and be found by Me in this hour so that you will be protected from the coming storms. What you will witness is the consequence of man's rebellion against a holy God. My word shall stand. Many shall come into the kingdom, but many shall shake their fists and remain in rebellion and continue to live in opposition to My will, to My way. Don't be counted amongst those who choose to live outside of Me, My children. 

Now is not the time to turn away from My leading; from My instruction. Return to the only One True Foundation. Let your hope be found in Me, the One who redeems. I shall deliver and rescue and redeem with a mighty hand. I have heard the cries of My children and I shall answer. Be in preparation for my coming. Consecrate yourselves before a holy God, for who can ascend the hill of the LORD? Only he who has clean hands and a pure heart. 

Set aside your worldly agendas and pick up your cross and wholly follow Me. There is reward for self denial, and My chosen ones, my separated ones, those who will come out from among the kingdoms of men, shall know Me as One who rewards those who commit themselves to Me. My treasures are not like the treasures of this world; they are eternal and beneficial to My children, for My kingdom. 

Come while there's still time. Heed My call to you in this hour, for it may be your final chance to come. My promises are true and I will keep every one; as it is written in My word. I am a rewarder of them who diligently seek Me. Faith in Me is the only way. Will I find faith in the earth? 

Stand fast, My children, for I am come, the time of awakening is come. Arise, shine for your light has come. See the brightness of My coming, My glory and majesty. What shall the light of My coming reveal? Invite Me, the light of My truth into the dark places of your soul and awaken you to life, life in Me. Darkness is not of your Father, but light that revealeth life. For I am a God of the living, not the dead. 

Come and be made whole. Come and be transformed.

Scriptures: Rev 21:6, Rev 7:17,  Rom 5:5-6,  John 10:10, Isaiah 65;  65:17, Isaiah 6:8, Matthew 28:19, Joel 2:23-25,  John 5: 5-6,  1 Cor 3:10-13, Exodus 3:7-8,  Lev 20:7, Psalm 24: 3-4, Matthew 16: 24-25, 2 Cor 6:17-18, Rev 18:4,  Cor 1:20, Hebrews: 11:6, Isaiah 60:1


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