Why A Woman Assigned? An old post revived~

Today's blog topic: Why A Woman Assigned!

I've been mulling over this blog topic for nearly two weeks. I missed speaking to you all last week. Technology was not on my side, but God is faithful and I'm back up and running.

Let's get to the topic... Why A Woman Assigned.

My revelation is that readers may want to know just who is this "Woman Assigned". It's often difficult for me to speak about myself, yet I understand the importance of my testimony.

Who is a "Woman Assigned"?

In brief,

I am a woman who has endured pain, heartache, obstacles, trials and tribulations for a huge portion of my life. For a long stretch, I moved from pain to pain, and heartache to heartache. I walked around in the "shell" of a woman, not really understanding why my life was the way it was. I grew up believing in God, only to find out that I didn't know God.

Through relationship and seeking God - not for what He does - but for who He is and who I am in Him; reading, studying and researching the scriptures, God has revealed that all of the hardship, although, not ordained by Him, has been shaped and transformed into purpose for my life. As I continue to grow in God, my process is now moving me from faith to faith, and from glory to glory.

I no longer look at what my life was, but what it has become as a result of relationship, not with man, but with God. God kept me and covered me through the years of abuse, being beaten physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally (externally and internally; because when the external forces stopped, I started because it was all I knew), worthlessnessno esteembeing used and taken advantage ofbeing mistreated, and much more.

I knew that I couldn't do it alone and there was no relief "naturally". The "shell" of a woman had exhausted all carnal means. It wasn't until I hooked up with my "spirit" woman that I began to understand the bigger picture.

I feel like I've been waiting all my life for God to do something AWESOME, and what I realize is that He has already. Through the blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, He has saved me, delivered me, rescued me, redeemed me, freed me, comforted me, transformed me, the list goes on. Whenever I'm tempted to look at what I DON'T have "YET", I look back and remember how far I've come.

Why the blog?

Simply, because God said so...

It's tied to purpose. I have a responsibility to share my bio story in order to encourage and inspire another.

One of the meaningful scriptures for my life says it best: "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." I am also asking that others find the courage to share their stories so that others know and understand that they are not alone.

We are in a time where people are suffering needlessly. There is peace, joy and salvation in relationship with God...

Let's care through sharing... Share words, save lives!

Here's a new poem I wrote about 2 weeks ago. May it do what God wants it to do.

That Mmmmm in Me
by Deneen G. Matthews

Struggled to journey to a space
a place
a season of free.
Formed a new alliance
with my Maker;
tapped into Jesus Christ, my Saviour
Oh how sweet, the flavor
I savor... mmmmm
Embraced the new vision
the plan for destiny,
you see;
seized that "new creature"
That mmmmm in me.

Discovered my purpose;
a path;
through the highs, the lows;
up on the mountain;
down in the valley.
Searching for residence in
a state called happy;
looked high above;
sought deep within;
found hope and peace and love
and then, you see
came the opportunity to meet, to greet
That mmmmm in me.

a grateful me.
The twins;
one grace;
the other mercy;
that pair, divine;
the perfect mix; so well aligned.
Joy and happy now reside
within a home where He abides
My heart, mind, soul, and spirit be
the shelters for
That mmmmm in me.

Want to know more or just want to chat? Contact me via my offline email address:
womanassigned@gmail.com. All emails will be private and held in the strictest of confidence.


~ A Woman Assigned!


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