
Showing posts from October, 2013


from October 29, 2013 Good morning daughter. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. For you O daughter of Zion shall give birth. The time of travail is upon you, but your delivery shall not be aborted. It shall not be hindered. Daughter, O Daughter of Zion, I call to you this day. Come and answer the call to bear fruit, to bear fruit in the likeness of the One who seeks to inhabit, seeks to live largely within you. Not barren, not barren, says the LORD, for the prunings, trials and testings have produced in you a fruitful and bountiful harvest.

HIS STILL SMALL VOICE: October 24 2013

HIS STILL SMALL VOICE:  October 24 2013 A portion of a word the Lord shared with me in prayer. I pray it bless and encourage you, as I'm led to share what He's released me to share.  Know this, this day, says the Lord of Hosts. it is I who fights your battles. It is I Whose hand is lifted to deliver thee and smite Mine enemies. Any who would dare position themselves against My children, has now come against Me. Who can stand against the power of the Almighty God who reigns from heaven? If I, God, be for you, who can be against you? Fret not, for My hand is lifted against your enemies. Be not moved by their threatenings, for I shall answer. Be still, ever so still and know that I am God. Move not from My sanctuary. That is where you will find your peace.  Peace I give unto you, not peace as the world would, or could comprehend, but My peace, divine peace, peace that is beyond comprehension or mere man's understanding.  No harm shall befall thee for yo...