
Showing posts from January, 2014

His Still Small Voice: The Week in Review (finale)

The Week in Review (finale) January 13-17, 2014 Words from the LORD January 13, 2014 "… This is the day of reckoning. It has come, the time of trouble like never seen before. Conditions and calamities will worsen, but so shall My glory exude from My enlightened ones, My priesthood. I am assembling them now, from the heap of dead bones, I shall breathe life once again, but this time never to be void of it again.  This is the time of the end, Beloved, but also My greatest demonstration of My power before man. Mankind will know that I Am He who parted the sea, I Am He who orchestrated great miracles, yet many will still shake their fists and turn away from Me.  Lies, lies and more lies do people tell in My name. Which if they don't repent will be their shame. I Am not a man that I should lie. My word says, Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, yet because man's perception of assembly and fellowship is warped, they assume words and say them...

His Still Small Voice: The Week in Review (part 3)

The Week in Review (part 3) January 12, 2014 After morning prayer: This is a little personal, but it may help others who are holding on, expectant, anticipating, watching and waiting. "I am your Father and I know all that you have need of. I see your anguish, your pain. Do you not think I respond to the cries of My children? I hear you, I hear you everyone. I know you've been faithful beyond what you can comprehend and have endured much, even by My hand. Come unto Me My child, Take up My yoke upon thee. My arms are outstretched, opened wide to receive thee. Come and lay your head upon My breast and drink in My peace. Suck from Me the waters of life, the living waters that flow from Me. I desire to share of My glory. Yes, with you. It will be all you need. Come, come to Me, rush to Me. Don't you see Me standing with My arms opened wide. Come My Daughter, I will not fail you. Let me heal you of all hurt, all your pain and strife, disappointment and discourag...

His Still Small Voice: The Week in Review (part 2)

His Still Small Voice: Words from the LORD The Week in Review (cont'd) Saturday January 11, 2014 Ariel Sharon died today. I remembered the Rabbi Kaduri "prophecy." DISCLAIMER: I'm not attempting to prove or disprove the prophecy, but just to show you what the Father revealed two days later. Some initial observations: Rabbi Kaduri was 108 years old. 108 is 100 + 8 100 = God's Election of Grace, Children of Promise 8 = New Beginning, New Birth, New Creation Ariel Sharon was in a coma for 8 years with 8 carrying the theme of New Beginning, New Birth, New Creation. While I was preparing to study on January 13, 2014, I was led to look at the etymology of Ariel Sharon. Ariel (Strongs H740) Heb. Lion(ness) of God, Altar, Altar-hearth, to burn LEXICON: The relationship between Ariel of Isaiah 29 and Ezekiel 43 suggest the nature of the WOE that would strike Jerusalem. Israel shall come under the judgment of God. An Ariel, altar hearth, that is the ...

His Still Small Voice: The Week In Review (part 1)

His Still Small Voice: Words from the LORD The Week in Review: January 10, 2014 - January 17, 2014 I had been pondering whether or not to share some of the things the LORD has been speaking in prayer and revealing during my time of study and meditation. I now feel led to share as He leads. Things of a personal, for my ears only, will be eliminated. I will begin with what has transpired over the past week. Be blessed by what the Father will reveal. Friday January 10, 2013 Morning Prayer: "Come and write what I say. Good Morning, My beloved one; blessed are thee in Me, blessed are they who understand the ways of the Father and His kingdom. Yes, I know My ways exceed the ways of man, yet when one seeks the heart of God, they too begin to understand what is not so readily understood. You walk with Me, you talk with Me, you read, you study My word, you seek Me in all things. This is indeed My way. Now you are the beneficiary of My truth and life, and light exudes from you. ...