His Still Small Voice: The Week in Review (finale)
The Week in Review (finale) January 13-17, 2014 Words from the LORD January 13, 2014 "… This is the day of reckoning. It has come, the time of trouble like never seen before. Conditions and calamities will worsen, but so shall My glory exude from My enlightened ones, My priesthood. I am assembling them now, from the heap of dead bones, I shall breathe life once again, but this time never to be void of it again. This is the time of the end, Beloved, but also My greatest demonstration of My power before man. Mankind will know that I Am He who parted the sea, I Am He who orchestrated great miracles, yet many will still shake their fists and turn away from Me. Lies, lies and more lies do people tell in My name. Which if they don't repent will be their shame. I Am not a man that I should lie. My word says, Come out from among them and touch not the unclean thing, yet because man's perception of assembly and fellowship is warped, they assume words and say them...