A TRUMPET: To the Wise and Repentant of Heart — A SOBER MESSAGE FOR A SOBER TIME!

From January 30, 2014

My Daughter, I know what it is you think of, of all your cares and concern. Why must it be this way, you ask? You ask it over and over again. 

Look at the condition of My church. Look at the condition of the world. I did not create it to be this way. I created man to commune and fellowship with Me, yet now, they have left Me out of the equation to pursue the work of their own hands and the sore imaginations of their own heart — wicked heart. 

I extend My hand and say, "Come," yet they cross their arms in utter rebellion and reject what I offer. How many times must I be ignored? Does it not grieve My heart that it is so? How long do I look upon the perverse doctrines they create and live by? How long do they make Me out to be a lie?

You would think that the time of warning upon warning would jar a response. Yet they look upon My words and turn to them their backs and race to sin and riotousness. I cannot, nor will not force anyone. The freedom of will to choose is what I gave with the hope that My creation would desire the One by whom they've received life, yet they continually reject My ways for their own. 

Yes, I am (hurt), Beloved. Wouldn't you be, when all you desire is to bless your children and give them goodly things? But they would rather rummage in trash and recycle their own garbage. Now, I must do as I must, though it grieves Me so. Though I have removed Myself from them, now I must lift My hand to correct their ways, because many don't even realize that I'm gone. 

Now with each woe, they will know how they have grieved the Holy One of Israel. They are My people, a chosen people in whom I desire to prevail. Had I not created them Myself, I would think them to be castaways, as many of them live; not because I choose it to be so, but because they love darkness more than light. 

Now I shall surely reward them for their ways. Time is up. Judgment first in My house, then the world, yet simultaneously. One will affect the other, you'll see. The time of reckoning now come. My faithful too shall be rewarded, the dividing line drawn. 

Lest they repent, utter destruction shall come. Pray that they be broken in Me so that broken by Me not become their lot. I Am God, yet will I still receive a broken, contrite, repentant heart. It is now as I've shown, a time of great chastening, for I chasten them I love. Like I shared before, a heeded warning could have avoided what must now come. 

Prepare your hearts to receive them that will come. I must, though grieved, punish My wayward children. Lest they return to Me, they will face much danger in the days ahead, the time to come.

"It is a sober message for a sober time."

We must advance, but not in this condition. Sin cannot ever reside before Me, and them that are in Christ must put away sin and the gods of self and bear the cross designed for them. Until I see that acceptable sacrifice, My hand will remain heavy upon My wayward ones.

To My faithful, who have not marred themselves with the ways of the world, prepare to be my forerunners. I am turning over the tables and those who labored with me in the low places, who endured the valley experiences and allowed Me to prune and purge them, know that your time is come. You shall be examples of godliness to those who will have a change of heart. Be as I've been to you. Give as you've received. Remember, I despise the sin, because of what it does to My children, but I long for, how I love the sinner. Many will be abased in this hour, and lest they humble themselves may be utterly destroyed. 

The line is drawn. Now choose this day, for tomorrow is not promised.

"Is what you indulge in outside of Me, worth the loss of life eternally?" 

Count the cost, Beloveds. I paid the price already. Why face a penalty for that which you've been spared? 

Today is the day of salvation. Right now, the only moment you have. The ministry of John the Baptist — clear. REPENT. REPENT. REPENT,  for the kingdom of God is at hand. Do not be left outside of My kingdom, for many will come and speak of their great works and be turned away. Iniquity, iniquity, I see. Change your ways My children. Make straight your paths, for I am soon to come again. 

I will retrieve a spotless bride, one whose garment is clean. Come and be washed, be made clean. For though your sins be as scarlet, they can be white as snow. My blood paved the way. I am the ONLY way to the Father. Yes, through the Son. I came to show you the way. Follow Me. Follow My example. It is truly the only way. The way of the cross. 

Pick up yours today, and I will surely lead you home. 

Love Essentially,

Your Lord, your King soon to come!


Proverbs 16:18, Ezekiel 33:11-20, John 3:16-19, 1Peter 4:17, Psalm 51, Hebrews 12:5-13, Matthew 23:12, 2 Corinthians 6:2, Luke 20:18, Matthew 3:1-2, 8,10,12, Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 5:25-27, Isaiah 1:18, Matthew 16:24

A voice of one crying in the wilderness, REPENT for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


  1. A stern but beautiful message. God is so good and has given His warning over and over. Pray for all the lost that they may wake up and turn to Him before it is too late.


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