February 14, 2016

I awakened this morning to a vision of a huge gavel pounding upon the sound block. And I heard the words, "Justice Commences."

Song / Scripture that morning:
The LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. - Habakkuk 2:20

Good morning, My child. The burden of this word shall surely confirm all that I have spoken, spoken by word, spoken by lessons and interpreted via the signs and symbols given. Yes, My child, this is the time. It is time to take up a lamentation, for My people have defiled themselves with the things of this world. Instead of their affections set apart for Me, they search after that which I detest and they sin before me continually.

You remember when I said that I take no pleasure in what I must do. Hearken now for this is the time for that word to manifest and so shall it quickly, undeterred.

Am I not a good Father? Do I not want what's best for My children? Then why do they not know? Why do they contend with the things of this world as though they are their god? Is it not I who provides all things? Is it not I who created all things? Is it not because of Me that you draw the very breath you breathe? Then where is My worship? Where is My honor? Where is the reasonable service and sacrifice due Me? Am I not God?

Take up a lamentation, My child, for the words I spoke shall surely come to fruition — manifest. My people clearly do not know their God nor do they understand holiness. I AM a holy and just God, now I will serve justice upon the land. Since My people want to bow down and worship wood and stone, so be it. But Am I not a jealous God, Am I not Yahuah?

They treat Me like their possessions. How ludicrous is that? Man will once again learn the fear of the Lord. For without it, they will perish and forego life with Me in eternity. Yes, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools My children have become who despise wisdom and instruction. 

I said that I would not contend with man's sinfulness always, and always ends this day. I shall punish them for their waywardness, then maybe, just maybe, they will consider their ways. The love of the Father dictates this course. For without it, many more will perish, be utterly destroyed. The sword is drawn. Woe to the bloody city for it shall be as spoil. It is so. It is so. 

My faithful branch, prepare to be called to the front lines for the shift and transition of leadership shall come. Those who refuse to repent and take up the ancient paths, shall be set down and I shall raise up those who will be obedient to My words and teach My commands. No longer will I contend with disobedience. No longer will My children be left unfed. 

Now is the time when all is bared — laid out as it is for all to see. Nothing hidden any longer, for the day shall determine the kind of work it is. Gird up your loins for truth is all that shall prevail. Every lie exposed, even every snare. The line is drawn, My people are found wanting. There are many lives hanging in the balance. 

Now I shall arise and bring forth justice. Justice is served. Heaven has spoken.

Lord Yahushua.

I know this is a bit disturbing, but I have prepared you. You know that much upheaval would come. I have shown you. Prepare for the demonstration of words given time and time again. I have warned and leaded, but stiff-necked are My children. Now I must remove the pillars of pride erected, for they stand before Me day and night and hinder the work that must be done. Every pillar, every statue erected outside of Me will FALL, I AM the LORD!

Jeremiah 7, Jeremiah 1:12, Romans 12:1, Habakkuk 2:19-20 Deuteronomy 4:23-31, Proverbs 1:7, Genesis 6:3, Ezekiel 21: 3-5,  Nahum 3:1-5, Luke 12:2, 1 Corinthians 3:13, Hosea 10, Psalm 75:6-7, Ephesians 6:14, Daniel 5:27


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