Observations . Revelations in Numbers

Lately, the Father has been showing and releasing much revelation through numbers. It seems that every day is packed with something significant and special when you look at the composition of the numbers. 

Please understand, this is not suggesting event related happenings, but an examination of symbolic truths encased in the numbers. 

I pray it blesses you and opens the eyes of your understanding that God speaks in everything. In this post, we are looking at the numbers as they pertain to yesterday and today, Jan 31 and Feb 1, 2014.

God Bless You!

I wanted to share the breakdown of the numbers as they refer to the dates (yesterday and today).

Yesterday was January 31, 2014 (according to the Gregorian calendar)
First month
Thirty first day
Year 2014

First month again is the number ONE:
Unity, Beginning, Unity of God. First or Creative Person of the Trinity, Echad

Thirty-first day is the number THIRTY ONE:
OFFSPRING and the command to "Be fruitful and multiply"

The year 2014, where FOURTEEN is the number of SALVATION AND REDEMPTION. We know that the GREAT REDEMPTION took place on Nisan 14 (Passover) when Israel was delivered from Egypt (Bondage)

It was God, in the beginning, who spoke the command to His creation, to be fruitful and multiply - Genesis 1:28. It will be as God intended. His word WILL NOT return void, but it will accomplish to that which it was sent (Isaiah 55:11). 

How will mankind now honor the command in the beginning? We must become fruitful. 

The Torah is the Tree of Life — fruitfulness, which produces righteous fruit and hence we become "Trees of Righteousness," who continually bear fruit according to its kind. We will be assessed and judged according to His word, His Torah, chastened and corrected according to the standard outlined in His word. 

Awaken to Righteousness. Time to get back to first things!

Today is February 2, 2014 (according to the Gregorian calendar)
Second month
First day
Year 2014

Second month is the number TWO.

The number two has duality in meaning:

  • Marriage (Two becoming One Eph 5:31 — Husband and Wife, Spirit and Soul)
  • Witnessing (Two witnesses the truth is confirmed Deut 19:15)
  • Two natures of man (The old subdued by the new — New Creation 2 Cor 5:17)
  • Two tables of testimony (Written by the hand of God — Exodus 31:18)
  • Agreement between two parties (If any two touch and agree... Matt 18:19)
  • Two is also the second Person of the Trinity, Yeshua, whose purpose was the work of REDEMPTION, reconciling man to God through Him, again unity.

We have many examples of such. Since this is the first day of the month, let's look at Genesis, and since the first day speaks of God, let's see what took place.

Genesis 1:3-5 We see that God commanded that there be light, then He saw the light, that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness. 

Before God gave the command for light to come forth, the earth was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. God called LIGHT out of DARKNESS; He SEPARATED the light from the darkness and said that the light was GOOD (favorable, beneficially, agreeable to Him).

In 2 Corinthians 6:14, we see the question, "What relationship does light have with darkness?" In the beginning the intent was that it be separate.  

In Genesis. God called light out of darkness. 1 Peter 2:9, "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT;"

We also see other revelatory examples of this. Think of the story of Lazarus (John 11) when Jesus called to him with the command to "Come Forth." The Light, Yeshua, stood at the opening of the tomb and called Lazarus out of the darkness of death and the grave and Lazarus put on new life (2 Cor 5:17).

We also know about the SEPARATION OF THE WHEAT and the TARES, the tares are burned and the wheat is garnered (harvested) in Matthew 13, and a whole host of other examples. 

I'm also reminded that SEPARATION makes a distinction. In Exodus 8:23 God said that He would make a distinction between Egypt and Israel... 

The first day, again is the number ONE:
Unity, Beginning, Unity of God. First or Creative Person of the Trinity, Echad
So we know that it is God who is performing this great work.

The year 2014, where FOURTEEN is the number of SALVATION AND REDEMPTION.

Which is the plan of God in action, established in Him from the Beginning, already executed in Jesus Christ... Yeshua!


  1. i'm so grateful a friend has shared your BlogSpot with me...this has truly blessed me today....thank you for sharing!


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