Behold I Come... Sue Bendorf

I am sharing a word from a dear sister in the Lord that was posted to her blog this past sabbath. It is a sobering message filled with the nuggets of truth released by the Father. May it bless you in whatever way so purposed by the Father...

Behold, I Come!

     As I wrote this post, a few titles went through my mind and it was drawing to a close I prayed, asking what He wanted the title to be. He spoke to my spirit, "Behold, I come." I looked up Revelation 22:12 and forgot to include it before I clicked, "Publish". So here I am to update what the He began.

     "12 And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

     A few days ago, I received a text from my sister asking me what I had been hearing from the Father lately because all was quiet on her end. I wrote back that if I was a betting person, I would bet good money that she wouldn't want to know.

As you continue to read, you may feel the same way.

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