From March 2, 2015

Here are some words from the LORD that He allowed me to share to this blog. May you be blessed!

"My child, put away your tears. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for truly I am near.

The sounds of My children crying out to Me, now solicits My response. The degrees of wickedness I see, can no longer be ignored. For My children call, they call for their Savior. Hosanna, save us, we pray, the cry for redemption. Redeem us from this place, a proverbial hell cast down upon us. Lift us, they say, so the light of day shall break upon our faces and the dew of the waters of heaven shall refresh us, restore us. Hear us, O LORD, hear us. 

I see My children lost among the bundles and piles and mountains of deception, dark speeches, doctrines of death. I see My beloveds who desire Me, finding only that which leads them from Me. My heart is saddened and infuriated for what has been done in My name. My faithful ones say, rescue us, for there is no place for us. We suffer everyday. I hear the questions My children pose from their postures of prayer, inquiring why must we live like this when heaven is our home?

Know now, beloved, I have seen and I have heard. My children shall surely see the hand of their God and rejoice, and rejoice. 

The new month begins and this shall bring new things. Godly order, kingdom and there is no delay. This IS the day that I have made, and they that are in Me shall rejoice. Rejoice, O Zion rejoice, for your King is come to thee. No longer barren and unfruitful, but lush and lavish shall you be. Green, green pastures and rivers shall flow through thee. Many shall come just to be in the presence of your King. 

Rise up, O army of the LORD, the call to gather is come. Come with weeping and repentance and be received to Me this day, for the hour of My glory is at hand. It is come. For I shall rise up with the brightness of the noonday sun and My children shall shine brightly, ever so brightly in Me. It is come, says Jehovah.

I Am that I Am and not one word I have spoken, I have written shall fail, but be fulfilled in this hour. Your season of joy is come. The time of redemption at hand. Come, for today is the day of salvation — tomorrow a mystery. I call, will you answer?  I knock, will you open? There is great reward in Me. Seek me now for the time draws near, where I will not be found."

Lord Yeshua.

Psalm 118:24-29, Matthew 21:9, Zechariah 9:9, Isaiah 54, Isaiah 2:2-3, Micah 4:1-2. Isaiah 60:1, Luke 21:28, 2 Cor 6:2, Isaiah 55:6-7, Matthew 24:31, 2 Thess 2:1


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