HIS STILL SMALL VOICE: April 12, 2013 / 2014

April 12, 2013

My child, you may want to write these things down. Dear One, there is much calamity on the horizon and many are not prepared — physically, mentally or spiritually. Unfortunately, because so many have been led astray by the feel good messages, that the siren of the alarm has been muted. These things of the end are in My word. What you will witness most immediate are the growing pains, the time of Jacob's trouble is the commencement of the tribulation. 

I speak to you now of these things for readiness and preparation now begins. The time of blessing shall establish My elect and prepare to bring in the harvest. It's all about the kingdom now as it comes in full force, full strength.

My giant slayers are being awakened and shall stand at attention ready and armed for battle. It's time to occupy, occupy, occupy (see video below entitled, It's Time to Occupy) so that My children shall enter into the places that I have promised. Listen closely at all times. You are doing well with keeping yourself separated, consecrated. Now is the time, this is the hour. I sound the trumpet and the dead in Christ shall arise...


1Corinthians 15:52 (I suggest reading the entire chapter)
In a moment in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." 

1Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

ALSO, please let me also share that April 12, 2013 was the Friday night of the shabbat. The Lord led me to watch the movie 2012. Hear are the notes I jotted down:

I watched 2012 by the direction of the Holy Spirit. 

The president said, "The world as you know it is about to end."

Others things I saw and made note of:

1. Opened with the report of a solar eruption (solar flare)
2. Some talk about neutrinos, CMEs
3. Sign: REPENT!
4. Pacific plate destabilization/ Haygood's theory
5. Pole shift - earth crust displacement (Einstein)
6. San Andreas Fault shifting (California sinking)

There was a GO Summit with the President and World Leaders
Cruise ship named Genesis
People buying tickets for the ship/arks
Woody Harrelson (Watchman, seemed crazy)
Yellowstone became one huge volcano, erupted and fire balls fell from the sky.

I mentioned this because this morning, I was led to a person on Facebook I used to be friends with, and she indicated that the Lord had her watch 2012 and she mentioned Yellowstone.

Let's pray around the things that will soon take place here in the earth. We are instructed not to be afraid, but nor can we put our heads in the sand and ignore that they are coming.  Pray for the brethren, those who remain asleep, that they be awakened to the times of the end.

Today April 12, 2014

Open your notebook, take up your pen and write My words, My words to you, Beloved. Don't you know I see all things. Surely your heart desires that which I desire to give to thee this day. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow thee. Surely you shall dwell in My house for all the days of your life. 

The time of harvest is come, My first harvest, the harvest of the lowly but a grand one for sure. My first fruits, My finest crop. Those who have endured My refining fire.  My love is being poured out upon you now. Taste and see that the Lord is good. His mercy is everlasting. 

Pick up your pen, My child why do you fret? I have not brought you rebuke, I only strengthen you for the journey ahead... Relax and listen to My voice. Put away your fears and listen confidently to Me. Let My peace now be upon you, for I must tell you these things.

The darkness has fallen and many a heart will fail them in this hour. Let's continue. What I had you to read is what will take place with many. Remember I said the rug will be pulled out from under many? Well that truly is the order of the day. 

You know that I am bringing down all that is not of Me. Daughter, those who built their houses upon the sand shall experience great devastation. It shall shock even those whose is built upon the rock, those who trust in the Lord. Yes, I have caused you to learn to put your trust in Me, so that I may lead you, but I Am bringing down all ill-erected structures. I'm bringing them down in 1-2-3. You understand what I am saying. The miracle took place on the third day. Sudden destruction has come. I need you to trust and do all that I say. You have safety in Me for you have remained in the ark of My safety. 

Destruction comes from the Almighty, now is the time. The day of the Lord is upon you and many are not prepared. I need you to be paying attention to all that I ask and speak. Without hesitation do all that I say. We are preparing now for greater devastations are on the way. 

I will now punish My children for their waywardness and wickedness performed in My sight. Many will turn away and rebel, be lost; even forever. Others will forsake their own lives and walk in the newness of life. This is it, the final curtain call... 

Psalm 37:4, 23:6, 34:8, Matthew 7:24-27, 1Thessalonians 5:3, Proverbs 24:22, Joel 1:15, Isaiah 13:6


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